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tōnɡ A. verb 达到lead to 直通北京 lead directly to Beijing 条条大路通罗马。 All roads lead to Rome. 四通八达 可通行be open 此路不通! No through road! 电话通了。 The line has gone through. 山洞快要打通了。 The tunnel is about to be bored through. 通行, 畅通 了解know 通多种外语 know several foreign languages 不通人情 be unreasonable 通情达理, 精通, 无师自通 使不堵塞open up or clear out by poking or jabbing 通炉子 poke a fire 通下水道 unblock a sewer 疏通 连接connect 互通信息 exchange information 这两间房是通着的。 The two rooms open into each other. 通商, 串通, 沟通 传达tell 通个电话 phone sb 通报, 通知B. noun authority 美国通 expert on the US 中国通 old China hand 万事通C. adjective 通顺coherent 这个句子不通。 The sentence is ungrammatical and incoherent. 通顺 普通general 通病, 通常, 通则 整个whole 通盘, 通宵D. measure word literary [for letters, telegrams, etc.]两通电报 two telegrams 一通电话 a phone call 一通文书 one document tònɡ




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