

zhēn A. adjective 真实true 说真话 tell the truth 真假不分 not be clear what is real and what is not 梦想成真。 One’s dream has come true. 他说的都是真的。 What he said is true. 真刀真枪, 真迹 清楚clear 声音太小,听不真。 The sound is too low. I can’t hear clearly. 黑板上的字你看得真么? Can you see the words on the blackboard clearly? B. adverb truly 真是人见人爱 be truly lovable 真的很痛苦 be in real pain 景色真美。 The view is really beautiful. 时间过得真快! How time flies! C. noun 真书regular script 真草隶篆 the regular script, the cursive script, the official script and the seal script 肖像portrait ; 原样exact replica 传真, 失真, 写真 本性inherent quality 返璞归真




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