

xiā A. verb 失明be blind 瞎了一只眼 be blind in one eye 又聋又瞎 be deaf and blind 我真瞎了眼,把她当好人。 I was blind to have taken her for a good person. dialect 损失waste 白瞎了一个名额 waste a candidature 一场暴风雨瞎了很多庄稼。 The storm destroyed a lot of crops. dialect become tangled 毛线瞎成一团。 The wool is all in a tangle. B. adverb vainly 瞎操心 worry for nothing 瞎花钱 spend money foolishly 我自己的事不喜欢别人瞎掺和。 I don’t like people meddling in my affairs. C. adjective blind 瞎弹 dud (bullet) 炮炮不瞎。 Not one of the shells failed to go off.




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