

词汇 differentiate
differentiate | BrE ˌdɪfəˈrɛnʃɪeɪt, AmE ˌdɪfəˈrɛn(t)ʃiˌeɪt | A. transitive verb (tell the difference between) 区分 qūfēn ; (make the difference between) 使不同 shǐ bùtóng differentiate sth from sth; 把某物和某物区分开 the officers are differentiated from the men by their uniform 军官和士兵通过军服进行区别 Mathematics 求…的微分 qiú… de wēifēn quantity, expressionB. intransitive verb (tell the difference) 区分 qūfēn to differentiate between A and B; 区分A和B (show the difference) 表明差别 biǎomíng chābié to differentiate between A and B; 表明A和B之间的差别 (discriminate) 区别对待 qūbié duìdài to differentiate between A and B; 区别对待A和B




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