

1 kào verb 倚靠指人lean against ; 指物stand sth against sth else 把头靠在某人的肩上 lean one’s head on sb’s shoulder 背靠背坐着 sit back to back 把自行车靠在树上 lean one’s bike against a tree 靠墙放着一台洗衣机。 A washing machine stood against the wall. 靠垫, 倚靠 挨近get close to 靠窗的座位 window seat 船靠码头了。 The ship has docked. 车辆一律靠右行驶。 Cars drive on the right. 靠边, 停靠 依靠depend on 靠教书为生 earn a livelihood through teaching 靠养老金生活 live off one’s pension 农业发展一靠政策,二靠科技。 Agricultural development hinges first on policy and then on science and technology. 投靠, 依靠 A 信赖trust 可靠




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