

词汇 stint
stint | BrE stɪnt, AmE stɪnt | A. noun countable (period of work) 规定工作时间 guīdìng gōngzuò shíjiān to do one's stint at the wheel 驾驶规定时数 during my three-day stint as a secretary 在我做秘书的3天时间里 I've done my stint for today 今天的活儿我已经干完了 uncountable (limitation) 限量 xiànliàng without stint 不受限制地 B. transitive verb 对…吝啬 duì… lìnsè person, oneselfto stint sb (of sth); 小气地供应某人(某物) C. intransitive verb «person, organization» 节省 jiéshěng to stint on 对…吝惜 presents, food, fabric




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