

kuī verb 损失have a deficit 亏了100元 lose 100 yuan把老本亏光了 have lost all one’s capital 亏本, 亏损, 吃亏, 扭亏为盈, 盈亏 缺少lack 气血两亏 dual depletion of qi and blood 我亏你20元。 I owe you 20 yuan. 功亏一篑, 理亏 亏待treat unfairly 放心,亏不了你。 Don’t worry. We will not be unfair to you. 人不亏地,地不亏人。 The land won’t fail people as long as people don’t fail the land. 幸亏fortunately 亏我妻子有钥匙,要不我进不了门。 Luckily my wife had the key; otherwise I couldn’t have got in. 表斥责[used to show irony]亏你还是个大学生,连这个都不知道。 For a college student, you ought to know better than that!




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