

词汇 dedicate
dedicate | BrE ˈdɛdɪkeɪt, AmE ˈdɛdəˌkeɪt | A. transitive verb (devote) 献出 xiànchū to dedicate sb/sth to sth; 把…奉献给某事物 time, energyshe dedicated her life to … 她毕生致力于… to be dedicated to sb/sth; 对某人一心一意/致力于某事物 (cite) 在…上题献词 zài… shang tí xiàncí to dedicate sth to sb; 把…献给某人 book, record, performance, film Religion 为…举行奉献典礼 wèi… jǔxíng fèngxiàn diǎnlǐ church, chapel, temple; 为…举行落成仪式 wèi… jǔxíng luòchéng yíshì monumentB. to dedicate oneself reflexive verb to dedicate oneself to sth; 献身于某事 xiànshēn yú mǒu shì




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