

词汇 battle
battle | BrE ˈbat(ə)l, AmE ˈbædl | A. noun countable (fight) Military 战斗 zhàndòu to win/lose a battle 战胜/战败 the field of battle 战场 zhànchǎng they are fighting a battle against the invading army 他们正在和侵略军作战 uncountable and countable figurative (struggle) 斗争 dòuzhēng to do battle against or with sb/sth; 与某人/某事物进行斗争 to fight a losing battle against sth 与某事物进行毫无胜算的斗争 to be half the battle 是成功的关键 countable (contest) 较量 jiàoliàng a battle of wits/words 一场智斗/舌战 B. intransitive verb (fight) 战斗 zhàndòu to battle for sth; 为某事物而战 figurative (struggle) 斗争 dòuzhēng to battle for sth; 为某事物而斗争 to battle to do sth; 奋力做某事 PHRASAL VERBS battle on intransitive verb 坚持奋斗 jiānchí fèndòu battle out transitive verb [battle sth out, battle out sth] 决一胜负 jué yī shèngfù let's leave them to battle it out between them 就让他们俩去决一雌雄吧




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