

词汇 butt
butt1 | BrE bʌt, AmE bət | A. transitive verb (hit, push) «person» 用头撞 yòng tóu zhuàng ; «animal» 用角顶 yòng jiǎo dǐng to butt one's way through sth 从某处挤出来 to butt sb in the stomach/belly; 用角猛撞某人的肚子 to butt one's head/horns into/against sth; 用头/用角顶某物 B. noun (blow) 顶撞 dǐngzhuàng PHRASAL VERB butt in intransitive verb (on conversation) 插嘴 chāzuǐ he kept butting in on our conversation 我们谈话时他老插嘴 there's no need for you to butt in 你没必要插嘴 sorry to butt in but … 对不起,打断一下… (meddle) 干涉 gānshè there's no need for you to butt in! 不用你插手! to butt in on sth/sb; 干涉某事/某人




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