

词汇 better
better1 | BrE ˈbɛtə, AmE ˈbɛdər | A. adjective (more pleasing, superior) 更好的 gèng hǎo de ; (more appealing) 更吸引人的 gèng xīyǐn rén de ; (happier) 更愉快的 gèng yúkuài de nothing could be better! 再好不过了! the weather's no better 天气根本没有好转 playing is better than watching 参与运动比观看更有意思 to be (all) the better for sth; 从某事中获益 to taste all the better for a dash of cream 加少许奶油味道会好得多 to feel better for sth/doing sth 某事物过后/做某事后感觉好一些 little/no better than sth (almost or just the same as) 同某事物差不多 (almost or just as bad as) 比某事物好不到哪里去 to be a better man/woman than sb 比某人更完美 (with reference to illness) «person, body part» 好转的 hǎozhuǎn de ; (affecting sb less) 缓解的 huǎnjiě de ; (not affecting sb at all) 痊愈的 quányù de to be/get better 康复/正在康复 to make sb/sth better 治好某人/某种疾病 the doctor will make you better 医生会治好你的病 (more competent) 更能干的 gèng nénggàn de to be a better swimmer than sb 比某人更会游泳 to be a better actor than a dancer 更擅长演戏而不是跳舞 to be better at sth/doing sth; 更擅长于某事/做某事 to be better with words/children 更擅长于文字表达/带孩子 (more appropriate, suitable) 更合适的 gèng héshì de have you got a better suggestion? 你有更高明的建议吗? to be better for sth/doing sth; 更适合某事/做某事 to be better (for sb) to do sth; (某人)做某事更可取 it's better that she should live with her parents 她和父母住在一起更好 to be better doing sth; 做某事更好些 shall I make some coffee? — haven't you got anything better to do? 我来弄点咖啡吧?──你就没有更好的事可做了吗? better than nothing 聊胜于无 the less said about sb/sth the better 最好别提某人/某事物 who/where better to do sth (than …)? (除了…)还有谁/什么地方更适合做某事? devil 2, prevention, safe A6, never A1 (more beneficial, advantageous) 更有益的 gèng yǒuyì de to be better for sb/sth; «food, exercise» 对某人/某事物更有益 swimming is better for you than jogging 对你来说,游泳比慢跑更好 (more accurate) 更准确的 gèng zhǔnquè de to be a better likeness/match 更像/更相配 to keep better time 走时更准 (larger in amount) 更多的 gèng duō de selection; 更大的 gèng dà de size, range; 更高的 gèng gāo de price, salarydiscretionB. adverb (to higher standard/degree, more favourably) 更好地 gèng hǎo de to fit/behave better than … 比…更合适/更有礼貌 to be better tempered/mannered 脾气更好/更有礼貌 the better to do sth formal 以便更好地做某事 I leant forward the better to hear him 我俯身向前以便听清楚他说话 to do better (in career, life) 更成功 (in exam, essay) 有进步 (in health) 病情好转 ‘could do better’ (in school report) “有待提高” to go better 更加出色 to go one better (than sb) informal (比某人)更胜一筹 it could not have been better received 它非常受欢迎 (more appropriately) 更恰当地 gèng qiàdàng de you would be better advised to leave now 你最好现在离开 he is better left alone 还是别打扰他 you'd better do sth (advising, warning, threatening) 你最好做某事 will she come? — she'd better! informal 她会来吗?──她得来! more cake? — I'd better not 还要蛋糕吗?──我还是不要了 turn that radio down or, better still, turn it off altogether! 把收音机开小点声,关掉更好! C. noun (sth preferable, more excellent) the better 较好者 jiào hǎo zhě much or by far the better of the two 二者中的佼佼者 èr zhě zhōng de jiǎojiǎozhě (more desirable state of affairs) 更好的状况 gèng hǎo de zhuàngkuàng to deserve/expect/hope for better 应该/期望/希望更好 a change or turn for the better 好转 to change or take a turn for the better 好转 for better or (for) worse 无论怎样 for better for worse, for richer for poorer (in wedding vow) 不论祸福贫富 so much the better, all the better 那就更好了 (superiority) 优越地位 yōuyuè dìwèi to get the better of sb/sth 占某人/某事物的上风 curiosity/the problem got the better of her 她抑制不住好奇心/这个问题把她难倒了 to have the better of sb formal 比某人占优势 D. betters plural noun (dated or humorous) one's betters (in rank, status) 上司 shàngsi (in experience, ability, etc.) 更高明的人 gèng gāomíng de rén E. transitive verb (surpass) 超越 chāoyuè achievement; 超过 chāoguò result, score; 打破 dǎpò recordto better one's rival's performance/offer 表现/出价超过对手 (improve) 改善 gǎishàn condition; 提高 tígāo quality, standard, statusF. to better oneself reflexive verb 自我提高 zìwǒ tígāo




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