

词汇 call for
call for A. [call for sb/sth] transitive verb (summon by shouting) 叫…来 jiào… lái person; 叫人拿来 jiào rén nálai objectthe queen called for her advisers 女王宣召了顾问大臣 to call for help/assistance 大声呼救/喊人帮忙 (go/come to collect) 去接/来接 qù jiē/lái jiē person; 去取/来取 qù qǔ/lái qǔ objectB. [call for sth] transitive verb (demand) 要求 yāoqiú they are calling for talks to be extended 他们要求延长会谈 (require) 需要 xūyào this calls for a celebration! 这该庆祝一下! that was not called for! 多此一举!




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