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词汇 feel
feel | BrE fiːl, AmE fil | A. transitive verb past tense, past participle felt (touch deliberately) 触摸 chùmō he felt the bump on her head 他摸了摸她头上的肿块 to feel the weight of sth 掂某物的重量 the police felt him all over for weapons 警察搜他全身查找武器 I want to feel how cold the water is 我想摸摸水有多冷 to feel one's way literal 摸索着走 figurative 谨慎行事 jǐnshèn xíngshì I felt my way towards the door/out of the room 我摸索着走向房门/走出屋子 she's only just started this job: she's still feeling her way (around) figurative 她刚开始做这项工作,还在摸索着干 informal (fondle) 抚弄 fǔnòng to feel oneself 手淫 to feel sb up slang 猥亵某人 (have sensation of, be aware of) 感觉到 gǎnjué dào he couldn't feel anything in his left leg 他的左腿失去了知觉 he felt sth crawling up his arm 他觉得有东西顺着胳膊往上爬 I can feel a nail sticking into my shoe 我感到有钉子扎进了鞋子 she could feel the warmth of the sun on her naked body 她赤裸的身体感受到了阳光的温暖 he likes to feel the wind on his face 他喜欢风吹在脸上的感觉 she felt herself blush 她感到自己脸红了 I felt myself falling 我觉得自己在往下掉 I could feel him staring at me 我感到他在盯着我看 I could feel the tension in the room 我感觉到了房间里的紧张气氛 they don't feel the necessity of paying their taxes 他们觉得没有必要交税 (be affected physically) 对…有切身感受 duì… yǒu qièshēn gǎnshòu she really feels the cold 她很怕冷 I'm feeling the heat today 今天我觉得特别热 (be affected emotionally) 意识到 yìshi dào I felt a tremendous sense of loss 我感到茫然不知所措 he felt no bitterness towards her 他一点儿都不恨她 the loyalty I feel to my former employer 我对前一任雇主的耿耿忠心 she no longer feels anything for him 她对他一点感觉都没有了 I felt a sudden urge to jump into the water 我突然很想跳进水里 he felt the loss of his son very deeply 他深陷丧子之痛 the effects of the recession are being felt everywhere 经济衰退的影响无处不在 she'll feel it when she has to do all her own cooking and cleaning 当她不得不自己洗衣做饭时,她将体会到其中的辛苦 (think) 认为 rènwéi I felt his plan to be impractical 我认为他的计划不切实际 she felt she would succeed this time 她相信自己这次会成功 she felt that she had seen him before 她觉得以前见过他 B. intransitive verb past tense, past participle felt (search with hand etc.) 摸索 mōsuǒ she felt in her bag for the key 她在包里摸索着找钥匙 she felt for the ledge with her foot 她用脚探找岩石的突出部 to feel around or about for sth; 四处摸索寻找某物 (be capable of sensation) (physically) 有感觉 yǒu gǎnjué ; (emotionally) 有感情 yǒu gǎnqíng the dead cannot feel 死人没有知觉 (give sensation) 给人…的感觉 gěi rén… de gǎnjué this bag feels lighter than that one 这个袋子给人的感觉比那个轻 how does your leg feel? — a bit better 你的腿感觉怎么样?──好点了 it feels cold/warm in here 这儿很冷/暖和 it feels cooler today 今天感觉凉快了一些 it feels like leather 它摸上去像是皮革 it feels (to me) as if the bone is broken (我)摸上去骨头好像断了 it feels like snow or as if it's going to snow 好像要下雪 it was only February, but it felt like April 现在才2月份,但感觉像是4月份了 every day will feel like Saturday when you've retired 退休后,你会觉得每天都像星期六 (experience physically or emotionally) 感觉 gǎnjué how are you feeling? or how do you feel? 你感觉怎么样? I don't feel hungry 我不觉得饿 you're (only) as old as you feel 心态有多年轻,你就有多年轻 I felt as if I was going to be sick 我感觉像要生病了 how does it feel to be a father? 做父亲的感觉如何? to feel oneself; 觉得身体好 she doesn't feel herself today 她今天觉得身体不舒服 I felt touched by their concern 他们的关心让我感动 I feel (like) a fool in this costume 穿这身衣服让我觉得自己像个傻瓜 they made me feel like a princess 他们让我觉得自己像个公主 he still feels angry about it 他对此仍然感到生气 I feel sure I've seen him somewhere before 我敢肯定我以前在什么地方见过他 I felt afraid to refuse 我不敢拒绝 how do you feel about Sarah? (do you love her) 你对萨拉有感觉吗? (what do you think of her) 你觉得萨拉人怎么样? how do you feel about capital punishment? 你对死刑有什么看法? I don't feel very strongly about it 我对这件事不太在乎 he feels strongly about giving money to charity 他对捐钱给慈善机构态度鲜明 I didn't know you felt that way about it 我不知道你对此有那种想法 if that's the way she feels, I won't offer to help again 如果她那么想的话,我再也不会主动帮忙了 I felt as though nobody cared 我感觉好像没人在乎 it feels to me as though we're wasting our time 我觉得我们好像在浪费时间 (be in the mood for) to feel like sth/doing sth; 想要某物/做某事 xiǎngyào mǒu wù/zuò mǒu shì I feel like a cup of tea/taking a nap 我想喝杯茶/打个盹 wǒ xiǎng hē bēi chá/dǎ gè dǔn why didn't you go with them? — I didn't feel like it 你为什么不和他们一起走?──我不愿意 sometimes I cycle to work, sometimes I walk: it all depends on what I feel like or how I feel 我有时骑车上班,有时走路去:完全取决于我的心情 C. noun (act of touching) 触摸 chùmō to have a feel (of sth) or give (sth) a feel; 触摸(某物) he had a feel in his pockets for his key 他在口袋里摸钥匙 let me have a feel 让我摸一下 (sensation to the touch) 触觉 chùjué you can tell it's leather by the feel (of it) 你一摸就知道它是皮的 the rock was warm to the feel 这块岩石摸上去热乎乎的 she likes the feel of the sun on her face 她喜欢太阳照在脸上的感觉 (atmosphere, impression) 气氛 qìfēn I didn't like the feel of the place 我不喜欢这地方的气氛 the cottage had a welcoming feel about it 这间村舍令人感到舒适 it has the feel of a French village 它给人一种法国村庄的印象 (aptitude) 天赋 tiānfù to have a feel for language 有语言天赋 she has a feel for handling difficult people 她天生善于同难缠的人打交道 (familiarity, understanding) 熟悉 shúxī to get the feel of sth/doing sth; 开始熟悉某事物/做某事 it takes a while to get the feel of operating a different machine 想要熟练操作另一台机器是要花时间的 PHRASAL VERBS feel for: transitive verb [feel for sb] 同情 tóngqíng feel out transitive verb [feel out sth, feel sth out] informal 把…摸清楚 bǎ… mō qīngchu to feel out the situation 摸清形势 feel up to transitive verb [feel up to sth] 有精力做 yǒu jīnglì zuò I don't feel up to cooking tonight 我今晚没精力做饭 after the accident she didn't feel up to driving 那次事故后,她不敢开车了




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