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词汇 indicate
indicate | BrE ˈɪndɪkeɪt, AmE ˈɪndəˌkeɪt | A. transitive verb (designate) 指示 zhǐshì direction, objectto indicate to sb that …; 向某人指示… please indicate to the organizers where you would like to sit 请向组织者说明你想坐在何处 (suggest) 暗示 ànshì feelingsto indicate the presence/approach of sth 暗示某事物的存在/临近 sth indicates that …; 某事物表明… it indicates how ashamed he feels 这暗示着他感觉有多羞愧 (show) 标示 biāoshì weight, temperaturethe speedometer indicated 100 速度表的读数是100 to be indicated Medicine «treatment, action» 被暗示 bèi ànshì surgery is usually indicated in such cases 这种情况通常建议动手术 (make known) 表明 biǎomíng intentions, plansto indicate (to sb) that one is going to do sth (向某人)表明自己要做某事 Motor Vehicles 打…的转向信号 dǎ… de zhuǎnxiàng xìnhào to indicate left/right; 打左转/右转信号 she indicated that she was turning left 她打出了左转信号 B. intransitive verb 打转向信号 dǎ zhuǎnxiàng xìnhào




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