

词汇 hammer
hammer | BrE ˈhamə, AmE ˈhæmər | A. noun (tool) 锤子 chuízi to knock sth in with a hammer 用锤子把某物钉入 to be or go at it or each other hammer and tongs figurative 激烈地争斗 (of piano) 音锤 yīnchuí (on firearm) 击铁 jītiě (auctioneer's gavel) [拍卖时用的] 木槌 mùchuí to come or go under the hammer 被拍卖 Sport (ball attached to wire) 链球 liànqiú ; (event) 链球比赛 liànqiú bǐsài to throw the hammer 掷链球 (bone in ear) 锤骨 chuígǔ B. transitive verb (hit with tool) 锤击 chuíjī to hammer a nail into sth; 把钉子锤进某物 (shape with tool) 锤打 chuídǎ metalto hammer sth straight or flat 把某物锤平 to hammer sth into shape 把某物锤打成型 to hammer sb into shape 培养某人成材 (beat with hand) 反复敲打 fǎnfù qiāodǎ to hammer sth against the wall/with one's fist; 在墙上反复摔打某物/用拳头反复击打某物 (kick hard) 猛击 měng jī to hammer the ball into the net 将球猛击入网 figurative (criticize) 严厉批评 yánlì pīpíng to hammer sb for sth/doing sth; 因为某事物/做某事严厉批评某人 (utterly defeat) 彻底击败 chèdǐ jībài Chelsea hammered Stoke 5-0 切尔西以5比0彻底击败斯托克 figurative (adversely affect) «recession, unemployment» 使…受负面影响 shǐ… shòu fùmiàn yǐngxiǎng district, groupto be hammered by recession 因经济不景气而受挫 to hammer sth into sb (instil) 把某事灌输给某人 bǎ mǒu shì guànshū gěi mǒu rén to hammer some sense into sb 让某人懂事一些 ràng mǒu rén dǒngshì yīxiē C. intransitive verb (use hammer) 锤击 chuíjī (pound) 敲打 qiāodǎ to hammer at or on sth (with one's hand/fist); (用手/拳头)敲打某物 to hammer on or against sth; «rain, hail» 噼里啪啦地打在…上 roof, window (thump) «heart» 剧烈跳动 jùliè tiàodòng PHRASAL VERBS hammer away intransitive verb (with tool or hand) 反复敲打 fǎnfù qiāodǎ to hammer away at sth/sb; 反复敲打某物/某人 I could hear him hammering away at the door 我可以听到他一直在敲门 figurative (insist) 作不懈努力 zuò bùxiè nǔlì to hammer away at the problem/point 致力于解决这个问题/反复强调这一点 hammer down intransitive verb informal «rain, hail» 噼里啪啦地落下 pīlipālā de luòxia hammer home transitive verb [hammer sth home, hammer home sth] (with tool) 将…完全钉入 jiāng… wánquán dìngrù nailfigurative (emphasize) 着重把…讲清楚 zhuózhòng bǎ… jiǎng qīngchu point, argument(score with) 用力踢…得分 yònglì tī… défēn ballto hammer the ball home 把球猛踢进球门得分 hammer in transitive verb [hammer sth in, hammer in sth] (with tool) 钉入 dìngrù nailfigurative (cause to be learned) 反复灌输 fǎnfù guànshū idea, messagehammer out transitive verb [hammer sth out, hammer out sth] (with tool) 敲平 qiāopíng dent(play) [尤指在钢琴上] 敲打出 qiāodǎ chū tunefigurative (achieve) 反复讨论出 fǎnfù tǎolùn chū to hammer out a compromise/decision 反复磋商后达成妥协/作出决定




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