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词汇 give
give | BrE ɡɪv, AmE ɡɪv | A. transitive verb past tense gave past participle given (hand over) gěi to give sth to sb; 把某物交给某人 give me that knife, please 请把那把刀递给我 the children were given balloons 孩子们领到了气球 (make gift of) 赠给 zènggěi to give a present to sb; 把礼物赠送给某人 to give sth for …; 赠送某物以庆祝 special occasionto give sth as …; 把某物作为…赠送 token, present, keepsake (transfer ownership of) 送给 sònggěi to give property/land to sb; 把财产/土地送给某人 I gave him my heart figurative literary 我把心都交给他了 my heart is given to another figurative literary 我已心有所属 (donate) 捐赠 juānzèng possessions, clothes, food; 无偿提供 wúcháng tígōng aidto give blood 献血 to give sth to sth/sb; 把某物捐给某机构/某人 to give alms (to the poor) (向穷人)布施 (supply) 提供 tígōng to give food/drink/clothes/accommodation to sb; 向某人提供食物/饮料/衣服/住宿 to give the plants some water 给花木浇点水 have I given you enough room? 我给你腾出的空间够吗? give me … (every time/any day) 我宁可要… I can't stand modern music: give me Bach every time 我受不了现代音乐:我更喜欢巴赫 I'll give you the lot for £20 这堆东西我20英镑卖给你 they gave us their car for the weekend 他们把车借给我们周末使用 she's given me her computer to fix or repair 她把计算机交给我修理 (allocate, distribute) 分给 fēngěi to give work/a task to sb; 分配工作/任务给某人 I gave him his fair share 我把他应得的那份给他了 I was given the guest room 我被安排在客房 we were given a translation to do 我们留了翻译作业 (pay) 支付 zhīfù money, tip, salary, interestto give sth to sb; 付给某人某物 to give sb a pay rise/a discount 给某人加薪/打折 how much will you give me for this ring? 这枚戒指你出多少钱? (exchange) 拿…作交换 ná… zuò jiāohuàn he gave her a book in exchange for the record 他给了她一本书来交换这张唱片 to give anything for sth; 渴望得到某物 kěwàng dédào mǒu wù to give anything/it all/the lot to do sth; 渴望做某事 kěwàng zuò mǒu shì I'd give anything (for a chance) to go to India 我非常想(有机会)去印度 wǒ fēicháng xiǎng(yǒu jīhuì)qù Yìndù Medicine (provide) 提供 tígōng to give sb a new heart/liver; 为某人植入新的心脏/肝脏 to give sb a pacemaker/an artificial leg; 为某人安装心脏起搏器/假腿 Medicine (administer) 给予 jǐyǔ to give sth to sb; 给某人服用 medicine 给某人涂抹 gěi mǒu rén túmǒ ointment 对某人进行 duì mǒu rén jìnxíng treatment, therapy 给某人做 gěi mǒu rén zuò examination, massage, brain scanshe gave me an injection 她给我打了一针 the doctor gave him a course of antibiotics 医生用抗生素给他治疗了一个疗程 can you give me anything for the pain? 你能给我开些止疼药吗? (be source of, yield) 产生 chǎnshēng light, nutrient, result, interest; 得出 déchū total, sum, answercows give milk 奶牛产奶 the herd gives a high yield 牧群产量很高 to give sth to sb/sth; 为某人/某物产出某物 mixing yellow and blue paint gives (you) green 混合黄色和蓝色颜料就可以得到绿色 (offer for holding) to give sth to sb; 向某人伸出 xiàng mǒu rén shēnchū hand, arm, leg, paw dated (sanction marriage of) 同意把…嫁出 tóngyì bǎ… jiàchū daughterhe gave me his daughter/his daughter's hand in marriage 他把女儿嫁给我了 (introducing name) 介绍 jièshào I give you the next President 让我为你们介绍下任总统 I give you the bride and groom 我提议诸位为新娘新郎干杯 Telecommunications to give sb sth; 为某人将电话接到 wèi mǒu rén jiāng diànhuà jiēdào person, department, numbergive me the police/extension 512 请接警察局/512分机 qǐng jiē jǐngchájú/5 1 2 fēnjī (sacrifice, devote) 献出 xiànchū time; 牺牲 xīshēng life, personto give thought/energy/time to sb/sth; 把心思/精力/时间用于某人/某事物 to give sth all or everything one's got informal 尽全力做某事 (allocate, allow) 留出 liúchū give me five minutes 等我5分钟 give yourself time to think about it 你抽空想想这件事 about a metre, give or take a few centimetres 大约一米,误差不会超过几厘米 informal (predict to have) 估计出 gūjì chū length of time, weighthow long do you give the new manager? 你觉得新经理能干多长时间? the doctor gave her six months to live 医生说她还能活6个月 the polls give Labour a 5% lead 民意调查显示工党领先5个百分点 Sport ràng length of time, weight, heightshe could give her opponent five years 她可以让对手5岁 he was giving his opponent ten kilos 他与比他重10公斤的对手比赛 (award) 颁发 bānfā medal, award, honour; 加封 jiāfēng knighthood, title; School 给出 gěichū mark, grade; School 给予 jǐyǔ punishment, scholarship, bonus; Law 判处 pànchǔ fine, sentence, damages, custodyshe was given the freedom of the city 她获授该市荣誉市民 I gave my poem the title ‘Hope’ 我把诗的题目定为“希望” give them a round of applause, ladies and gentlemen 先生女士们,请为他们鼓掌 the prefect gave him 100 lines for being late 他因迟到被级长罚写100行字 judgement was given against the accused 被告已经被宣判有罪了 stop whimpering, or I'll give you something to cry about! 别哭哭啼啼的,不然我就把你揍得哭爹喊娘! (administer) 施行 shīxíng to give sth to sb/sth; 施加某物于某人/某物 give your hands a (good) wash 去(好好)洗洗手 Spurs gave Arsenal a hammering 热刺队给阿森纳队以迎头痛击 he gave the door a coat of paint 他给门刷上了一层漆 to give it to sb informal 责罚某人 (perform, let out) 做出…的动作 zuòchū… de dòngzuò shudder, wave, nod; 做出…的表情 zuòchū… de biǎoqíng smile, grin, frownshe gave a bow and left the stage 她鞠了躬,离开了舞台 he gave a start as the door slammed 门砰地一响把他吓了一跳 she gave a shrug of her shoulders 她耸了耸肩 the flame gave a final flicker 火光最后闪了一下 did you see the look he gave you? 你看到他对你的表情了吗? she gave them a look of disgust 她厌恶地看了他们一眼 to give sb/sth the green/red light 给某人/某事物开绿/红灯 to give sb/sth the thumbs up/down 赞同/反对某人/某事 (utter, emit) 发出…的声音 fāchū… de shēngyīn cry, giggle, bark, squeakshe gave a short laugh 她浅笑了一声 the duck gave a quack 鸭子呷地叫了一声 (proffer) 给出 gěichū advice, answer, information, name; 发出 fāchū alarm, warning; 作出 zuòchū verdict; Music 奏出 zòuchū noteI gave evidence at her trial 我在她出庭受审时作证了 she gave me her opinion that … 她给我的意见是… I gave her my word that I wouldn't tell anybody 我向她保证不会告诉任何人 to give sb/sth a mention 提及某人/某事物 give her my best wishes 替我向她问好 please give them my condolences 请向他们转达我的哀悼 I've been given my orders humorous 我已经领命 she gave them her notice 她向他们提出了辞职 he gave her a good telling-off 他狠狠地训斥了她一顿 if she gives me any more cheek, I'll … 如果她还是那么不要脸,我就… don't give me that! informal 少来这一套! don't give me all that stuff about … informal 少跟我说关于…的事 I'll give you that informal 这一点我承认 to give (sb) as good as one gets (对某人)以牙还牙 Sport 判罚 pànfá corner, free kick, penaltythe umpire gave the batsman out (in cricket) 裁判把击球手罚出场 to give the ball in (in tennis) 判界内球 (set out) 表示 biǎoshì quantity, timethe number was given to seven decimal places 该数字精确到小数点后7位 give the answer in metric units 答案用公制单位表示 (present in public) 举行 jǔxíng show, demonstration; 举办 jǔbàn concert, press conference, reception, partyto give a lecture/speech 做讲座/演讲 she gave a magnificent performance as Lady Macbeth 她演麦克白夫人演得太好了 she gives piano lessons 她教钢琴课 give us a song! 给我们唱首歌吧! to give a presentation to sb 为某人介绍情况 to give interviews to journalists 接受记者采访 (cause physical effect) 引发 yǐnfā to give sb vertigo/asthma; 引起某人眩晕/哮喘发作 to give sb trouble; 给某人带来麻烦 you nearly gave me a heart attack! figurative 你差点把我吓出心脏病来! to give sb an electric shock/quite an appetite 使某人受电击/胃口大开 Medicine (pass on) 传染 chuánrǎn to give sth to sb; 把…传染给某人 cold, AIDS, disease, virus (cause mental effect) to give sb pleasure/hope/a surprise; 使某人感到快乐/希望/惊奇 shǐ mǒu rén gǎndào kuàilè/xīwàng/jīngqí it gives me great pleasure to declare … 我很高兴地宣布… it gave them a feeling of insecurity 这件事使他们产生了不安全感 the long entries give me the most trouble 长词条最让我头疼了 the film gave him nightmares for weeks afterwards 看过这部电影后,他做了几个星期的噩梦 give me strength! informal 我要坚持住! wǒ yào jiānchí zhù ! (grant, cause to have) to give sth to sb/sth; 给某人/某物以 gěi mǒu rén/mǒu wù yǐ opportunity, permission, authority, criticismhe was given charge of 30 children 他受命看管30个孩子 the slave was given his freedom 这个奴隶获得了自由 it gave me something to think about 这件事令我深思 zhè jiàn shì lìng wǒ shēnsī if you will give me your attention for a moment … 请听我说… qǐng tīng wǒ shuō… you must give top priority to this project 你一定要加倍重视这个项目 the set gives good reception/a clear picture 这台电视机接收效果很好/图像很清晰 informal (care) 在意 zàiyì I don't give a damn or a hang or tuppence 我才不在乎呢 they didn't give two hoots about us 他们根本没把我们放在心上 B. intransitive verb past tense gave past participle given (contribute) 捐赠 juānzèng to give to sb/sth; 向某人/某机构捐赠 to give of one's best formal 尽全力 (bend, flex) «mattress, floorboard, plank, branch, bridge» 弯曲 wānqū ; «cloth, leather, elastic, cable» 伸展 shēnzhǎn to give under or beneath sth/sb 在某物/某人的重压下变形 (yield, break) «bridge, roof, wall» 垮塌 kuǎtā ; «legs» 支撑不住 zhīchēng bùzhù ; «rope, cable, hinge, fastening» 崩断 bēngduàn to give under or beneath sth/sb 在某物/某人的重压下支撑不住 figurative (concede, yield) «person, group, side» 让步 ràngbù something has to give 总要有所舍弃 to give and take 互相迁就 US informal (concede defeat) 认输 rènshū informal (happen) 发生 fāshēng what gives? 有什么事吗? C. to give oneself reflexive verb past tense gave past participle given to give oneself to sth; 全身心投入某事 quánshēnxīn tóurù mǒu shì the children really gave themselves to the play 孩子们非常入戏 háizimen fēicháng rùxì D. noun uncountable (in cloth, leather, elastic, cable) 弹性 tánxìng ; (in mattress, sofa, floorboard, bridge, plank, branch) 弯曲性 wānqūxìng this surface has more give 这个表面的弹力更大 PHRASAL VERBS give away A. [give sth away, give away sth] transitive verb (out of kindness, to charity) 捐献 juānxiàn money, blood; (as gift) 赠送 zèngsòng possession, book; (for adoption) 把…送人 bǎ… sòngrén animal, childBusiness 免费送出 miǎnfèi sòngchū sample, mug, magazine, DVD(present) 颁发 bānfā prize(squander) 丧失 sàngshī advantage, opportunity; 轻易输掉 qīngyì shūdiào game, match, pointwe don't want to give the contract away to our competitors 我们不想把合同拱手让给竞争对手 (reveal) 泄露 xièlòu secret, answer, information; 暴露 bàolù identitygive nothing away to the press 不要对新闻界透露任何消息 to give the game or show away 露馅 Sport 有…的劣势 yǒu… de lièshì weight, height, length of timeshe is giving six years away to her opponent 和对手相比,她有6岁的劣势 B. [give sb away, give away sb] transitive verb (in marriage) 把…交给新郎 bǎ… jiāogěi xīnláng bride, daughter, female relative(betray) 供出 gòngchū accomplice; 举报 jǔbào escaped prisoner; «sound, sign, clue, accent» 暴露 bàolù personC. to give oneself away reflexive verb 暴露 bàolù give back transitive verb [give sth/sb back, give back sth/sb] (return) 归还 guīhuán book, pen; 退还 tuìhuán money, present; 送回 sònghuí person, child, hostagegive it back to me at once! 马上把它还给我! satisfaction guaranteed, or we'll give you your money back 保证满意,否则退款 (restore) 恢复 huīfù sanity, confidence, freedomgive forth transitive verb [give forth sth] literary 发出 fāchū sound; 散发 sànfā smellgive in A. intransitive verb (admit defeat) 认输 rènshū to give in to sb/sth (comply with, obey) 对…妥协 duì… tuǒxié person, demand, blackmailto give in to sth (succumb to) 屈从于 qūcóng yú temptation, depression, impulse, desirethey gave in to their animal instincts 他们兽性大发 tāmen shòuxìng dà fā B. transitive verb [give sth in, give in sth] British 上交 shàngjiāo homework, exam paper; 交出 jiāochū key; 发出 fāchū parcel, letter, petition; 递交 dìjiāo accounts, report, noticeto give sth in to sb; 把某物交给某人 you have to give your name in to the receptionist 你得向前台报上姓名 give off transitive verb [give off sth] (emit) 发出 fāchū smell, heat, light, signal; 排放 páifàng noxious gas, fumes; 释放 shìfàng oxygen, hydrogengive on to transitive verb [give on to sth] British «window, room» 朝向 cháoxiàng courtyard, street, garden, open spacegive out A. [give sth out, give out sth] transitive verb (distribute) 分发 fēnfā books, food, equipment(announce) 公布 gōngbù news, information, list, resultsB. [give out sth] transitive verb (emit) 发出 fāchū heat, light, sound, signalC. intransitive verb (run out) «food, fuel, battery, strength» 耗尽 hàojìn (break down) «car, engine, machine, computer» 瘫痪 tānhuàn ; «fuse» 熔断 róngduàn give over A. transitive verb (assign) to give sth over to sth, to give over sth to sth; 安排 ānpái place, period of timethe afternoon was given over to private study 下午的时间被安排用于自学 to give sth over to doing sth; 把某物专用于做某事 bǎ mǒu wù zhuānyòng yú zuò mǒu shì (devote) to give sth over to sth, to give over sth to sth; 付出 fùchū one's time, one's lifeto give sth over to doing sth; 付出某物来做某事 fùchū mǒu wù lái zuò mǒu shì he gave over the rest of his life to helping the poor 他将余生致力于扶贫济困 [give sth over, give over sth] (hand over) 移交 yíjiāo place, businessto give sth over to sb; 把某物托付给某人 British informal (stop) to give over doing sth; 停止做某事 tíngzhǐ zuò mǒu shì B. intransitive verb British informal 停止 tíngzhǐ give over! (stop doing sth) 住手! (stop saying sth) 住嘴! C. to give oneself over reflexive verb to give oneself over to sth/doing sth; 致力于某事/做某事 zhìlì yú mǒu shì/zuò mǒu shì he gave himself over to the theatre/writing full-time 他把所有时间都用来看戏/写作 give up A. intransitive verb (admit defeat) 认输 rènshū don't give up 别自暴自弃 to give up on sth; 放弃某事物 I've given up on today's crossword 今天的填字游戏我做不出来 informal (lose faith) 绝望 juéwàng to give up on sb; 对某人失望 don't give up on me 不要对我失去信心 B. [give sth/sb up, give up sth/sb] transitive verb (surrender) 交出 jiāochū passport, key, place, ticket; 说出 shuōchū secret; 交出…的监护权 jiāochū… de jiānhùquán childthey will not give up an inch of their territory 他们寸土不让 to give sth up to sb, to give up sth to sb; 将某物交给某人 she gave her seat up to an old man 她把座位让给了一位老伯 (part with) 卖掉 màidiào car, house, home(abandon, drop) 放弃 fàngqì job, right, hope, attempt; School 停止学习 tíngzhǐ xuéxí subjectEdward VIII gave up the throne for the woman he loved 爱德华八世为了他爱的女人放弃了王位 to give up doing sth; 停止 tíngzhǐ writing, dancing, investigating, trying(stop indulging in) 戒除 jièchú bad habit, smoking, meat; 停止 tíngzhǐ social lifeI'm giving up men! humorous 我再也不找男人了! (sacrifice, devote) 付出 fùchū one's time, one's lifeto give up sth to sth/doing sth; 为某事/做某事投入某物 C. [give sb up, give up sb] transitive verb (deliver to authority) 交出 jiāochū criminal, escaped prisoner, enemy soldier(stop expecting to arrive) 认为…不会来 rènwéi… bùhuì lái to give sb up for lost/dead 不再期待某人出现/活着 D. to give oneself up reflexive verb (surrender) 自首 zìshǒu to give oneself up to sth/doing sth; (devote oneself) 致力于某事/做某事 zhìlì yú mǒu shì/zuò mǒu shì (abandon oneself) 沉溺于某事/做某事 chénnì yú mǒu shì/zuò mǒu shì she gave herself up to a life of crime 她一生恶贯满盈 give way intransitive verb (collapse) «bridge, ceiling, wall» 垮塌 kuǎtā ; «leg» 支撑不住 zhīchēng bùzhù ; «rope, cable» 崩断 bēngduàn ; figurative «strength, sanity, patience» 丧失 sàngshī her health finally gave way 她的身体最终垮掉了 to give way under or beneath sth/sb 在某物/某人的重压下坍塌 British (allow others to go first) «person, vehicle, vessel» 让路 rànglù to give way to sb/sth; 给某人/某物让路 (obey, comply) to give way to sb/sth; 对…妥协 duì… tuǒxié person, threat, demand, blackmail(succumb) to give way to sth; 禁不住 jīnbuzhù temptation, fear, depression, desireI gave way to panic 我恐慌不安 wǒ kǒnghuāng bù'ān (be replaced) to give way to sth; 被…所代替 bèi… suǒ dàitì feeling, conditions, environment, seasonthe dark clouds gave way to bright sunshine 乌云散去,明媚的阳光重新普照大地 her discomfort gave way to anger 她由不安转为愤怒 winter gives way to spring 冬去春来 dōng qù chūn lái




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