

词汇 embrace
embrace | BrE ɪmˈbreɪs,ɛmˈbreɪs, AmE əmˈbreɪs | A. transitive verb literal (hug) 拥抱 yōngbào figurative (include) 包括 bāokuò the report embraced a wide range of issues 这篇报告涉及的问题非常广泛 her generosity embraces the whole neighbourhood 她的慷慨惠及四邻 figurative (espouse, adopt) 信奉 xìnfèng religion, cause, policy figurative (welcome) 欣然接受 xīnrán jiēshòu offer, opportunityto embrace the challenge 迎接挑战 B. intransitive verb 互相拥抱 hùxiāng yōngbào C. noun 拥抱 yōngbào to hold sb in a warm embrace 热烈拥抱某人




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