

词汇 connected
connected | BrE kəˈnɛktɪd, AmE kəˈnɛktəd | adjective (related) 相关的 xiāngguān de topic, matter, comment, personto be connected with or to sb/sth; 与某人/某事物有关 how are you connected to the organization? 你和这个组织有什么关系? to be closely connected 紧密相关 (in family) 有血统关系的 yǒu xuètǒng guānxì de person, familyhis family is well connected 他的家庭血统高贵 to be connected by marriage 联姻 (linked by channel, network) 相连的 xiānglián de to be connected to or with …; 与…相连 (ordered) 连贯的 liánguàn de language, storyhe was too excited for connected thought 他太兴奋了,无法理清思路




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