

词汇 flush
flush1 | BrE flʌʃ, AmE fləʃ | A. noun (rosiness) (on cheeks, skin) 红晕 hóngyùn ; (in sky) 红光 hóngguāng there was a flush in her cheeks 她双颊红扑扑的 a rosy flush in the eastern sky 东方天空中一抹玫瑰色的红霞 (from fever, alcohol) [脸上的] 潮红 cháohóng Medicine 潮热 cháorè she has been suffering from hot flushes 她一直有潮热发作 (surge of excitement, joy, enthusiasm) 一阵强烈感情 yīzhèn qiángliè gǎnqíng in the first flush of success/victory 在成功/胜利之初的狂喜之中 (flow of water) 冲洗 chōngxǐ to give sth a flush; 把某物冲洗一下 (toilet device) 冲水设备 chōngshuǐ shèbèi don't forget to pull the flush 别忘了冲马桶 a flush toilet 抽水马桶 (abundance) 生机勃勃 shēngjī bóbó a/the flush of sth; 某物的蓬勃生长 in the first flush of beauty/health/youth 美丽/健康/青春正盛时 in the full flush of sth 在某物的鼎盛时期 B. intransitive verb (redden) «face, cheeks» 发红 fāhóng ; «person» 脸红 liǎnhóng she flushed angrily 她气得涨红了脸 to flush crimson/bright-red 脸变得通红 to flush with sth; 因…脸红 embarrassment, delight (operate) «toilet» 被冲洗 bèi chōngxǐ the toilet doesn't flush 马桶不能冲水了 C. transitive verb (make red) 使发红 shǐ fāhóng fever flushed her cheeks 她烧得满脸通红 (clean with water) 冲洗 chōngxǐ drain, toiletto flush (out) a pipe/drain with water 用水冲洗管道/下水道 (operate toilet) «person» chōng toilet, lavatory (dispose of) 冲水清除 chōngshuǐ qīngchú to flush sth down the toilet 把某物冲下马桶 PHRASAL VERB flush away transitive verb [flush sth away, flush away sth] 冲洗掉 chōngxǐ diào waste, unwanted items




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