

词汇 improve
improve | BrE ɪmˈpruːv, AmE ɪmˈpruv | A. transitive verb (qualitatively) 改善 gǎishàn to improve a service/the soil/the kitchen 改进服务/改良土壤/整修厨房 to improve one's memory 增强记忆力 to improve one's German 提高德语水平 the new arrangements did not improve matters 那些新的安排于事无补 (quantitatively) (by increasing) 增加 zēngjiā pay, yield; (by decreasing) 减少 jiǎnshǎo fuel consumption, unemployment figuresto improve wages 加薪 to improve efficiency/productivity 提高效率/生产率 to improve delivery times/the mortality rate 缩短送货时间/降低死亡率 (make better in character, education) 提高…的修养 tígāo… de xiūyǎng ; (make better in social status, wealth) 改善…的境况 gǎishàn… de jìngkuàng young offenders are rarely improved by imprisonment 监禁很少使青少年罪犯改邪归正 I was anxious to improve myself 我急于提高自己 B. intransitive verb (qualitatively) 改善 gǎishàn her handwriting hasn't improved 她的书写没有长进 the town improves on closer acquaintance 这座城市熟悉之后给人的感觉更好 most good wines improve with age 大多数好的葡萄酒愈陈愈香 she is slowly improving in health, her health is slowly improving 她的健康状况在慢慢好转 (quantitatively) (by increasing) «productivity, rate» 增加 zēngjiā ; (by decreasing) «fuel consumption, unemployment figures, delivery times» 减少 jiǎnshǎo teachers' pay has improved 教师的工资提高了 the value of the house is improving all the time 房子一直在升值 PHRASAL VERB improve on, improve upon transitive verb [improve on or upon sth] 比…更好 bǐ… gèng hǎo she has improved on last year's performance 她的业绩超过了去年




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