

词汇 fortunate
fortunate | BrE ˈfɔːtʃ(ə)nət, AmE ˈfɔrtʃ(ə)nət | adjective (lucky) 幸运的 xìngyùn de I shall certainly ask her if I'm fortunate enough to meet her 如果有幸见到她,我一定会问她的 we were fortunate in having glorious weather on holiday 很幸运,我们度假时天气好极了 he is fortunate in that he doesn't have to work 他不用工作,真有福气 to count/consider oneself fortunate 认为自己很幸运 (auspicious, favourable) 吉利的 jílì de circumstance, action, eventhow fortunate! 多好的运气啊! what a fortunate coincidence! 多么幸运的巧合! it was fortunate for her that nobody noticed her absence 算她运气好,没人注意到她的缺席




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