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词汇 ever
ever | BrE ˈɛvə, AmE ˈɛvər | adverb (at any time) 在任何时候 zài rènhé shíhou ; (at any previous time) 从来 cónglái I don't think I'll ever come back 我想我再也不会回来了 I'm unlikely ever to go there 我绝不可能到那里去 if you ever see one, buy it 如果你什么时候见到了,就买下来 I seldom or rarely, if ever, watch television 我难得看电视 we hardly ever go out 我们几乎从不出去 (when making comparisons) 以往任何时候 yǐwǎng rènhé shíhou better/worse than ever 从来没有这么好/糟 these are our worst results ever or worst ever results 这些是我们得到过最差的结果 his first ever cell phone 他曾经拥有的第一部手机 (expressing anger, irritation, surprise) [表示恼怒、惊讶]why did I ever leave? (in exclamations) 我究竟为什么离开? don't you ever listen? (in imperatives) 你到底听不听啊? don't (you) ever do that again! (你)绝对不能再这么做! well, did you ever? informal 哦,真的吗? (as intensifier) [表示强调]I was a fool ever to believe her 我真笨,居然会相信她 all she ever does is complain 她一味抱怨 what ever is it? 这到底是什么? ever so British informal I'm ever so grateful 我十分感激 thanks ever so (much) 非常感谢 (always) 永远 yǒngyuǎn the same as ever 一如既往 she's fatter than ever 她比任何时候都胖 the danger is ever present 危险总是存在 they lived happily ever after (conventional ending of fairy tales) 他们从此过上了幸福的生活 the situation is growing ever more dangerous 情况变得越来越危险 ever-changing/-increasing 不断变化/增长 your ever-loving father dated (closing a letter) 永远爱你的父亲 (in exclamations) informal 极其 jíqí do I ever! 当然!




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