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词汇 hedge
hedge | BrE hɛdʒ, AmE hɛdʒ | A. noun (line of bushes) 树篱 shùlí to look as if one has been dragged through a hedge backwards figurative informal 看上去蓬头垢面 figurative (against financial loss) 保值措施 bǎozhí cuòshī ; (against other adverse circumstances) 防范措施 fángfàn cuòshī B. transitive verb (plant a hedge around) 用树篱围住 yòng shùlí wéizhù to hedge sth off, to hedge off sth; 用树篱隔开某物 figurative (evade) 回避 huíbì to hedge the issue 回避问题 (protect against financial loss) 对冲防止…损失 duìchōng fángzhǐ… sǔnshī to hedge one's bets (avoid committing oneself) 避免明确表态 (reduce the risk) 对冲止损 (limit, qualify) 限定 xiàndìng ; (restrict, confine) 束缚 shùfù his proposals were hedged about with difficulties 他的提议受制于种种困难 C. intransitive verb (equivocate) 避免正面回答 bìmiǎn zhèngmiàn huídá we pressed him to say, but he just hedged 我们催促他说,但他只是闪烁其词 he hedged on or at every new question 他回避每一个新问题 (reduce risk) to hedge against sth; 对冲防止 duìchōng fángzhǐ inflation, loss




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