

词汇 intimate
intimate1 | BrE ˈɪntɪmət, AmE ˈɪn(t)əmət | A. adjective (close) 亲密的 qīnmì de to have an intimate relationship with sb 与某人关系密切 to be on intimate terms with sb 与某人来往密切 euphemistic (sexual) 有性关系的 yǒu xìngguānxi de to be intimate with sb (formal or Law) 与某人有性关系 (personal) 私密的 sīmì de intimate feelings 内心的感情 intimate details 隐私细节 sb's intimate life 某人的私人生活 an intimate conversation 私下交谈 (cosy) 宜于密切关系的 yí yú mìqiè guānxi de an intimate restaurant 幽静的餐馆 (detailed, deep) 详尽的 xiángjìn de to have an intimate knowledge of/acquaintance with sth; 对某事物了如指掌 B. noun 密友 mìyǒu




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