词汇 | keep |
释义 | keep | BrE kiːp, AmE kip | A. transitive verb past tense, past participle kept ① (cause to remain) 使保持 ▸ to keep sth clean/dry 使某物保持清洁/干燥 ▸ to keep sb awake/amused 使某人醒着/开心 ▸ to keep sth in one's head 记住某事物 ▸ to keep sb in suspense 吊某人的胃口 ▸ she kept her hands over her eyes 她双手捂住了眼睛 ▸ the hostages were kept in a cellar 人质关在地窖里 ▸ there's nothing to keep me here 已经没有什么理由能让我留在这里了 ② (retain) 保留 ▸ to keep sb's attention 保持某人的注意力 ▸ keep the change 不用找零钱 ▸ to keep a car for two days 用两天车 ▸ you can keep sth informal ironic 某物你留着好了 ③ (reserve) 预留 ▸ to keep sth for sb, to keep sb sth; 为某人留某物 ▸ she kept him a piece of cake 她给他留了一块蛋糕 ▸ to keep some of the sandwiches for later 留点儿三明治晚些时候再吃 ④ (put, store) 存放 ▸ to keep sth in a box/drawer etc. 把…放在箱子里/抽屉里等 ‹object, money›▸ a place where the tools are kept 放工具的地方 ⑤ (sustain) 使继续进行 ▸ to keep sth going 让…不熄灭 ‹fire› 让…延续 ‹tradition, discussion›▸ to keep sb waiting/talking/laughing 让某人一直等/不停说话/笑个不停 ▸ to keep the water flowing 让水保持流动 ▸ to keep sb going figurative informal 使某人坚持下去 ▸ it was his work that kept him going 他的工作是他活下去的动力 ▸ a sandwich will keep you going 吃块三明治能顶饿 ⑥ (detain) 耽搁 ▸ I won't keep you (but) a minute 我不会耽误你很久 ▸ to keep sb for questioning 拘留某人问话 ▸ what kept you? 什么事把你耽搁了? ⑦ (stock) 备有 ‹products, goods›⑧ (own) 经营 ‹store, shop›⑨ (maintain) 料理 ▸ to keep house 料理家务 ▸ the house was not badly kept 房子收拾得不错 ▸ she keeps two cars 她有两辆汽车 ⑩ (raise and look after) 饲养 ‹animal, pet›⑪ (support) 供养 ▸ to keep sb in style 供养某人过阔绰的生活 ▸ he can afford to keep servants 他雇得起用人 ⑫ (maintain as record) 记录 ▸ to keep the accounts 记账 ▸ to keep a diary 写日记 ▸ to keep a note of sth 记下某事 ▸ to keep one's records up-to-date 及时更新记录 ⑬ (honour, fulfil) 遵守 ▸ to keep the law 遵守法律 ▸ to keep one's appointment/promise/word 践约/遵守诺言/信守诺言 ⑭ (observe) 庆祝 ‹holiday›; 纪念 ‹anniversary›⑮ ▸ Music to keep time or the beat 合着节拍 ⑯ archaic (protect) 保护 ▸ the Lord bless thee and keep thee 愿主赐福予你,保佑你 ▸ to keep sb/sth from …; 使某人/某事物免受…的侵害 B. intransitive verb past tense, past participle kept ① (maintain state) 保持状态 ▸ to keep warm/calm/fit 保持温暖/镇静/健康 ▸ to keep on good terms with sb 与某人保持良好关系 ② (continue) 继续 ▸ to keep doing sth; 继续做某事 ▸ to keep going (working) 继续工作下去 (living) 坚持生活下去 ③ (continue going) 一直前行 ▸ to keep straight on 径直向前走 ▸ to keep west 一直向西 ▸ to keep left 靠左走 ④ (do repeatedly) 反复做 ▸ to keep interrupting/forgetting 老是插嘴/忘记 ▸ the phone kept ringing 电话响个不停 ⑤ (remain in place) 留在某处 ▸ to keep indoors 待在室内 ▸ to keep out of the rain 躲雨 ⑥ (stay fresh) 保持新鲜 ▸ strawberries don't keep very well 草莓不易保鲜 ▸ the meat will keep for a few days 这些肉可以保持几天不变质 ⑦ (wait) 能耽搁 ▸ this is very important: it won't keep! 这很重要:耽搁不得! ▸ I've got something to tell you — will it keep till tomorrow? 我有话对你说──等明天再说好吗? ⑧ ▸ informal how are you keeping? (how is your health?) 你身体好吗? ▸ he's been keeping well lately 他最近很健康 C. to keep oneself reflexive verb past tense, past participle kept ① (support) 养活自己 ② ▸ (maintain) to keep oneself clean/healthy 使自己干净/健康 D. noun ① uncountable (maintenance) 生活费用 ▸ to pay for sb's keep 支付某人的生活费 ▸ to work for one's keep 为糊口而工作 ▸ to earn one's keep 自食其力 ▸ that old horse isn't worth its keep 那匹老马吃得多,干得少 ② countable Architecture 城堡主楼 E. for keeps adverb phrase informal 永远 ▸ I'm home for keeps this time 这次回到家我再也不离开了 PHRASAL VERBS keep after transitive verb [keep after sb/sth] ① (pursue) 紧紧追赶 ‹thief, vehicle›② (nag) 不断催 ‹debtor›; 唠唠叨叨地催 ‹child›keep at: transitive verb ① [keep at sth] (persevere at) 坚持 ‹work, studies›▸ keep at it! 加油! ② ▸ to keep sb at … (make persevere at) 使坚持 ‹work, studies›▸ she kept him at his scales 她让他一直练习音阶 ③ [keep at sb] informal (nag) 缠住…不放 keep away A. transitive verb [keep sb/sth away] ① (repel) 赶走 ▸ to keep sb/sth away from sb/sth; 不让某人/某物接近某人/某物 ▸ keep the flies away from the food 别让苍蝇靠近食物 ② (prevent from going somewhere or doing sth) 阻碍 ▸ to keep sb/sth away from sb/sth; 阻碍某人/某物接近某人/某物 ▸ bad weather kept the tourists away 恶劣的天气阻碍了游客前来旅游 ▸ am I keeping you away from your work? 我妨碍你工作了吗? ▸ to keep sth away from small children 把某物放在小孩拿不到的地方 B. intransitive verb ▸ to keep away (from sb/sth); 避开(某人/某事物) ▸ keep away from the edge/that man 离边缘/那个男人远一点 keep back A. transitive verb [keep sb/sth back, keep back sb/sth] ① (hold back) 阻挡 ‹fans, cattle›▸ to keep one's hair back with an elastic band 用橡皮筋把头发束在脑后 ▸ to keep the crowd back from the stage 阻挡观众靠近舞台 ② (restrain) 忍住 ‹tears, laughter›③ (retain) 留出 ‹money, food›④ (conceal) 隐瞒 ‹information›▸ to keep back the results of the survey 不公布调查结果 ⑤ (prevent) 妨碍 ‹person›▸ don't let me keep you back 别让我误了你的事 ⑥ School (cause to repeat year) 使…留级 ‹student›▸ he was kept back a year 他留了一级 ⑦ British School (as punishment) 罚…留下 ‹pupil›▸ to be kept back after school 放学后被罚留在学校 B. intransitive verb ▸ to keep back (from sb/sth); 不靠近(某人/某事物) ▸ keep back from the fire 不要接近火 ▸ he warned spectators to keep well back 他警告观众远远靠后站 keep down A. transitive verb [keep sb/sth down, keep down sb/sth] ① (hold down) 压住 ▸ I put bricks on the corners of the tarpaulin to keep it down 我用砖压住油布的四角不让它翘起来 ▸ keep that dog down! 别让那只狗乱跳! ② (repress) 压迫 ‹person›▸ he won't be kept down 他很难制服 ▸ you can't keep a good man down 有志向的人是什么困难都压不倒的 ③ (control) 控制 ‹costs, pollution›▸ to keep the weeds down 除草 ④ (reduce) 降低 ‹interest rates, noise›▸ keep your voice down! 小声点! ⑤ (hold in stomach) 不呕吐出来 ‹food, liquid›▸ she couldn't keep anything down 她吃什么就吐什么 ⑥ British School (cause to repeat year) 使…留级 ‹student›B. intransitive verb ▸ keep down! 蹲下! ▸ we kept down while the security patrol passed by on the other side of the wall 保安巡逻队经过墙的另一边时,我们蹲了下来 keep from: A. transitive verb ① ▸ to keep from doing sth (refrain) 忍住不做某事 ▸ she couldn't keep from laughing 她忍俊不禁 ② ▸ to keep sb from sth/doing sth (prevent) 使某人避免某事物/阻止某人做某事 ▸ am I keeping you from your work/doing your work? 我耽误你工作了吗? ▸ the thing that kept me from dismissing her was … 我没解雇她的理由是… ③ [keep sb/sth from sth] (protect) 使…免受…侵害 ▸ God will keep you from harm 上帝保佑你不受伤害 ▸ to be kept from temptation 远离诱惑 ④ [keep sth from sb] (conceal) 对…隐瞒 ⑤ [keep sth from sth] (stop from affecting) 使…不受…影响 ▸ she could not keep the dismay from her voice 她声音里不禁透出沮丧 B. to keep oneself from reflexive verb ▸ to keep oneself from doing sth; 忍住不做某事 ▸ I couldn't keep myself from yawning 我忍不住打起了哈欠 keep in A. transitive verb [keep sb/sth in, keep in sb/sth] ① (cause to stay indoors) 把…关在屋里 ‹person›▸ the rain kept us in all day 雨下了一整天,我们无法出门 ▸ to keep sb in for observation (in hospital) 让某人留院观察 ② School (as punishment) 罚…课后留校 ‹pupil›③ (wear) 不摘下 ‹dentures, contact lenses›④ (hold in) 使收进来 ▸ to wear a corset to keep one's stomach in 戴束腹以收紧肚子 ▸ keep your elbows in! 收起胳膊肘! ⑤ (restrain) 控制 ‹emotions›⑥ ▸ to keep sb in sth (provide with) 向某人供给某物 ▸ he can't afford to keep the children in shoes 他连给孩子们买鞋的钱都没有 B. intransitive verb ▸ keep in! 在路内侧走! keep in with transitive verb [keep in with sb] British informal 与…保持良好关系 keep off A. [keep off sth] transitive verb ① (stay away from) 勿靠近 ‹flowerbed, property›▸ ‘please keep off the grass’ “请勿践踏草坪” ② (not consume) 不吃 ‹fatty foods›▸ to keep off alcohol/drugs 不喝烈性酒/吸毒 ③ (not mention) 不提起 ‹topic›B. [keep sth off] transitive verb (not wear) 暂时不穿 ‹shoes, clothes›▸ keep your hat off until you come out of the church 出了教堂再把帽子戴上 C. [keep sth off, keep off sth] transitive verb (keep from damaging) 不让…接近 ‹pests›; 不让…弄脏 ‹rain, paint›▸ keep the paint off the glass 别让油漆弄脏了玻璃 ▸ this sheet keeps the dust off 这张单子能挡灰尘 ▸ keep the football off the flowerbeds 不要把足球踢进花圃 D. [keep sb off sth] transitive verb ① (stop from mentioning) 使…不提起 ▸ keep her off the subject of money 不要让她提钱的事 ② (stop from consuming) 使…不吃 ‹fatty foods›▸ to keep sb off alcohol/cigarettes 使某人戒酒/戒烟 E. intransitive verb ① (stay away) 不靠近 ▸ keep off! 离远点! ② (not start) «snow, storm» 不下 ▸ if the rain keeps off, we'll have lunch in the garden 如果不下雨,我们就在花园里吃午餐 keep on: A. intransitive verb ▸ to keep on doing sth (do repeatedly) 反复做某事 ▸ to keep on reminding sb 不断提醒某人 B. transitive verb [keep sth/sb on] ① (hold in place) 固定 ‹hat, lid›② (wear) 继续穿着 ‹shoes, coat›▸ can I keep my hat on? 我可以不脱帽子吗? ③ (retain) 继续雇用 ‹employee, worker›; 继续使用 ‹house, car›▸ she kept the flat on after she left London 她离开伦敦后并没有把公寓退掉 C. intransitive verb ① ▸ (continue) to keep on with sth, to keep on doing sth (not stop) 继续做某事 ▸ to keep on with one's studies 继续学习 ▸ the alarm kept on ringing 闹铃响个不停 ② (continue on course) 继续前行 ▸ keep on till you get to the station 一直往前走到车站 ▸ keep on past the station 一直走过车站 ③ ▸ to keep on about sb/sth/about doing sth derogatory (harp on) 就某人/某事物/做某事唠唠叨叨 ▸ to keep on about the exam 老说考试的事情 ▸ he does keep on! 他真够啰唆的! keep on at: transitive verb ▸ to keep on at sb (to do sth); 纠缠某人(做某事) ▸ he kept on at me to take him to the funfair 他缠着我要我带他去游乐场 keep out A. intransitive verb ① (not enter) 留在外面 ▸ ‘keep out!’ “严禁入内!” ▸ to keep out of sth; 不进入 ‹place›▸ to keep out of the war zone 不进入战区 ▸ to keep out of sb's way or out of the way of sb (not hinder) 不妨碍某人 (avoid) 避免与某人相见 ② ▸ to keep out of sth (avoid involvement in) 不卷入 ‹argument, fight›▸ keep out of this! 别管这事! ▸ he can't keep out of mischief 他动不动就搞恶作剧 ③ ▸ to keep out of the sun/rain (avoid exposure to) 避免日晒/避雨 B. transitive verb [keep sb/sth out] ① (stop from entering) 使不进入 ▸ to keep sb/sth out of sth; 阻止某人/某物进入 ‹place›▸ keep that dog out of my bedroom! 别让那条狗进我的卧室! ▸ to keep sb/sth out of sb's way or out of the way of sb; (prevent from hindering) 使某人/某事物不妨碍某人 (prevent from being seen) 使某人见不到某人/某事物 ▸ keep those toys out of my way! 别让那些玩具挡我的路! ▸ keep the cat out of your brother's way 别让你弟弟看见猫 ② ▸ to keep sb/sth out of sth (prevent involvement in) 使某人/某事物不卷入某事 ▸ keep him out of trouble! 别让他惹麻烦! ③ (protect against) 抵御 ▸ to keep out the cold/rain 御寒/挡雨 ▸ to keep the sun out of one's eyes 让眼睛免受阳光直射 ④ ▸ to keep sb/sth out of sth (prevent exposure to) 使…不接触某事物 ‹person, animal, plant›▸ keep the children out of danger 让孩子们远离危险 keep to A. [keep to sth] transitive verb ① (follow) 不偏离 ‹road›▸ to keep to the path 顺着小路走 ▸ to keep to the left 靠左边走 ② (not deviate from) 执行 ‹schedule, plan›; 不背离 ‹one's beliefs›▸ to keep to the facts/the point 坚持实事求是/不跑题 ▸ keep to the script! 按剧本表演! ③ (be bound by) 履行 ‹promise, contract›; 遵守 ‹law›④ (stay in) 不离开 ‹place›▸ to keep to one's bed/room 卧床不起/留在房间内 ▸ to keep to oneself 不与人往来 B. [keep sb/sth to sth] transitive verb ① (cause to follow) 使…不偏离 ‹road›▸ to keep sb to the official route 让某人不偏离官方指定路线 ② (cause to adhere to) 使…执行 ‹schedule, plan›③ (bind by) 使履行 ‹promise, contract›; 使…遵守 ‹law›④ (restrict) 使限制在…内 ‹size, speed›▸ to keep the new version to the same length as the original 保持新版本与原版长度一致 ⑤ ▸ to keep sth to oneself (not share) 不泄露 ‹information, secret›▸ keep your opinions to yourself! 把你的意见收起来吧! ▸ keep your hands to yourself! informal 放尊重点! keep together A. intransitive verb ① (in group) 在一起 ▸ keep together as we go through the cave 穿过山洞时我们不能走散 ② (remain synchronized) 协调一致 B. transitive verb [keep sb/sth together] ① (in group) 使在一起 ▸ keep these papers together in a folder 把这些文件放在一个文件夹里 ② (synchronize) 使…协调一致 ‹orchestra, crew, dancers›keep up A. intransitive verb ① (progress at same speed) «person, animal, car» 跟上 ▸ I managed to keep up by taking work home in the evenings 我把工作带回家晚上做才跟上了进度 ② (develop at same rate) «nation, industry, rival» 保持同步 ③ (learn at same rate) 跟上功课 ▸ to have no difficulty keeping up 跟上功课毫无困难 ④ (increase at same rate) «prices, wages, production» 同步增长 ▸ inflation is rising so fast that wages can't keep up 通货膨胀迅速加剧,工资很难同步增长 ⑤ (continue) «bad weather, rain» 持续不停 ⑥ figurative (follow) 理解 ▸ she changes her mind so often, I can't keep up 她主意变来变去,让我无所适从 B. [keep sth up, keep up sth] transitive verb ① (hold up) 使不下落 ▸ you won't be able to keep your umbrella up in this wind 风这么大,你没法打伞的 ▸ six pillars keep the roof up 6根柱子支撑着屋顶 ② (continue) 使…继续下去 ‹friendship, attack›; 继续 ‹studies, lessons›; 沿袭 ‹tradition, custom›▸ I can't keep this up for long 我坚持不了多久 ▸ to keep up the bombardment all night 持续轰炸一整夜 ▸ to keep up a correspondence with sb 与某人保持书信来往 ▸ to keep up the payments 按时分期付款 ▸ keep up the good work! 继续好好干! ▸ keep it up! 再接再厉! ③ (maintain at high level) 保持 ‹strength›▸ to keep one's spirits up 保持高昂的情绪 ▸ to keep up moral standards 维持道德标准 ▸ to keep up the pressure (on sb) (for sth) (为某事物)(对某人)继续施加压力 C. [keep sb up] transitive verb (prevent from sleeping) 使不能睡觉 ▸ I hope I haven't kept you up 希望我没有耽误你睡觉 keep up with transitive verb [keep up with sb/sth] ① (progress at same speed as) 跟上…的速度 ‹person, animal›▸ to keep up with the car in front 跟上前面那辆车 ▸ to have difficulty keeping up with the others 很难跟上其他人 ② (avoid backlog of) 同步完成 ‹work, requests›▸ to keep up with orders 按期为订单供货 ③ (develop at same rate as) 与…同步进展 ‹competitors›▸ to keep up with the Joneses 与人攀比 ④ (increase at same rate as) 与…同步增长 ‹inflation, demand›▸ pensions are barely keeping up with the cost of living 养老金的增加跟不上生活费用的增长速度 ⑤ (learn at same rate as) 和…同步学习 ‹person, class›▸ to keep up with the rest of the class 跟上班里其他同学的功课 ⑥ (understand) 理解 ‹person, explanation›▸ are you keeping up with me? 你们明白我的意思吗? ⑦ (know about) 保持了解 ▸ to keep up with the latest fashions 赶时髦 ▸ to keep up with the times 与时俱进 ⑧ (stay in contact with) 与…保持联系 ‹friend›⑨ (pay on time) 按时支付 ‹bills›▸ to keep up with the payments 按期付款 |
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