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词汇 keep up
keep up A. intransitive verb (progress at same speed) «person, animal, car» 跟上 gēnshang I managed to keep up by taking work home in the evenings 我把工作带回家晚上做才跟上了进度 (develop at same rate) «nation, industry, rival» 保持同步 bǎochí tóngbù (learn at same rate) 跟上功课 gēnshang gōngkè to have no difficulty keeping up 跟上功课毫无困难 (increase at same rate) «prices, wages, production» 同步增长 tóngbù zēngzhǎng inflation is rising so fast that wages can't keep up 通货膨胀迅速加剧,工资很难同步增长 (continue) «bad weather, rain» 持续不停 chíxù bù tíng figurative (follow) 理解 lǐjiě she changes her mind so often, I can't keep up 她主意变来变去,让我无所适从 B. [keep sth up, keep up sth] transitive verb (hold up) 使不下落 shǐ bù xiàluò you won't be able to keep your umbrella up in this wind 风这么大,你没法打伞的 six pillars keep the roof up 6根柱子支撑着屋顶 (continue) 使…继续下去 shǐ… jìxù xiaqu friendship, attack; 继续 jìxù studies, lessons; 沿袭 yánxí tradition, customI can't keep this up for long 我坚持不了多久 to keep up the bombardment all night 持续轰炸一整夜 to keep up a correspondence with sb 与某人保持书信来往 to keep up the payments 按时分期付款 keep up the good work! 继续好好干! keep it up! 再接再厉! (maintain at high level) 保持 bǎochí strengthto keep one's spirits up 保持高昂的情绪 to keep up moral standards 维持道德标准 to keep up the pressure (on sb) (for sth) (为某事物)(对某人)继续施加压力 C. [keep sb up] transitive verb (prevent from sleeping) 使不能睡觉 shǐ bù néng shuìjiào I hope I haven't kept you up 希望我没有耽误你睡觉




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