

词汇 pulse
pulse1 | BrE pʌls, AmE pəls | A. noun uncountable and countable Anatomy 脉搏 màibó to take or feel sb's pulse 为某人把脉 a low or weak pulse 弱脉搏 a regular/an irregular pulse 规则/不规则脉搏 to have or keep one's finger on the pulse of sth 对某事物了如指掌 Electricity, Physics (short burst) 脉冲 màichōng to emit a pulse 发出脉冲 B. intransitive verb «heart» 跳动 tiàodòng ; «star» 闪烁 shǎnshuò the vibrant life pulsing through a great city 大城市盎然勃发的生机




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