

词汇 mess
mess | BrE mɛs, AmE mɛs | A. noun countable and uncountable (dirtiness) 脏乱 zāngluàn ; (untidy state) 混乱 hùnluàn ; (troublesome state) 困境 kùnjìng what a mess! 真乱! to make a mess 弄得一团糟 to make a mess of sth; literal 把某物弄乱 figurative 把某事物搞糟 bǎ mǒu shìwù gǎozāo to be (in) a mess 乱七八糟 his marriage/life was (in) a mess 他的婚姻/生活一团糟 to leave sth in a mess 把某事物弄得乱七八糟 to clear up a mess 清理烂摊子 to get into a mess (with sb) (与某人的关系)陷入困境 to get sb into a mess; 使某人陷入困境 his face was a mess after the accident 他因为事故毁容了 you look like a mess 你看上去很邋遢 countable (untidy person) 没条理的人 méi tiáolǐ de rén ; (untidy thing) 乱七八糟的东西 luànqībāzāo de dōngxi ; (dirty person) 邋遢的人 lāta de rén ; (dirty thing) 肮脏的东西 āngzāng de dōngxi ; (psychologically) 心理失常的人 xīnlǐ shīcháng de rén to make a mess of oneself; 把自己弄得脏兮兮的 to make a mess of sth; 把某物弄脏 countable and uncountable (spill) 溢出物 yìchūwù ; (stain) 污渍 wūzì to make a mess on the tablecloth/carpet 在台布/地毯上留下污渍 the dog/cat made a mess in the corner of the room euphemistic 狗/猫在房间的角落里拉屎了 countable Military (eating place) 食堂 shítáng the officers' mess 军官食堂 countable plus singular or plural verb Military (group) 集体用餐人员 jítǐ yòngcān rényuán countable US informal (a lot) a (whole) mess of sth 大量某物 dàliàng mǒu wù I took a (whole) mess of pictures and chose the best six 我拍了很多照片,然后从中选出了6张最好的 B. transitive verb (make untidy) 把…弄乱 bǎ… nòngluàn ; (make dirty) 把…弄脏 bǎ… nòngzāng euphemistic (defecate in) 在…上排便 zài… shang páibiàn bed, pantsC. intransitive verb (potter) 瞎闹 xiānào no messing informal 不要胡闹 give me a straight answer, no messing 直接答复我,不要瞎扯 to mess with sth; 摆弄某物 (interfere, be involved) 打扰 dǎrǎo to mess with sb; 惹某人 to mess with drugs/firearms; 沾毒/摆弄枪支 euphemistic (defecate) 排便 páibiàn Military (eat meals) 集体用膳 jítǐ yòngshàn to mess with sb 与某人一起用餐 to mess together 集体用餐 PHRASAL VERBS mess about, mess around A. intransitive verb (act the fool) 胡闹 húnào ; (waste time) 浪费时间 làngfèi shíjiān (potter) to mess about in boats 坐船四处游荡 zuò chuán sìchù yóudàng to mess about with friends 和朋友混在一起 hé péngyou hùn zài yīqǐ (interfere) 干预 gānyù to mess about with sth; 摆弄某物 to mess about with sb informal 勾搭某人 gōuda mǒu rén B. transitive verb [mess sb about] British informal (treat badly) 粗鲁地对待 cūlǔ de duìdài [mess sth about] (leave in a mess) 把…弄乱 bǎ… nòngluàn papers, equipmentmess up A. [mess sth up, mess up sth] transitive verb (make untidy) 把…弄乱 bǎ… nòngluàn ; (make dirty) 把…弄脏 bǎ… nòngzāng (spoil) 把…搞砸 bǎ… gǎozá work, chance, examB. [mess sb up, mess up sb] transitive verb (upset) 使烦恼 shǐ fánnǎo losing his job has really messed him up 失业着实让他苦恼 US informal (beat up) 殴打 ōudǎ C. intransitive verb informal 搞砸 gǎozá




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