

词汇 perspective
perspective | BrE pəˈspɛktɪv, AmE pərˈspɛktɪv | noun uncountable (in art) 透视法 tòushìfǎ to draw sth in perspective 用透视法画某物 the castle is out of perspective with the other buildings 城堡与其他建筑不成比例 countable (attitude, point of view) 观点 guāndiǎn to see things from a religious perspective 从宗教的角度看待事物 uncountable (sense of proportion) 权衡轻重的能力 quánhéng qīngzhòng de nénglì to have a sense of perspective; 明察事理 to get or put sth in or into perspective; 正确处理某事 you have to keep things in perspective; 处理事情要分轻重缓急 to see/judge sth in perspective; 合理地看待/评价某事物




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