

词汇 noise
noise | BrE nɔɪz, AmE nɔɪz | noun countable (sound) 声音 shēngyīn a loud/soft noise 大的/细微的声响 above the noise of sth 盖过某物声响的 to make or produce a noise 发出声音 to make noises about sth figurative informal 放出有关某事的风声 to hear noises that … informal 听到…的风声 a big noise figurative 大人物 uncountable (din) 噪声 zàoshēng please make less noise! 请小点儿声! hold your noise 安静点 uncountable Radio, Telecommunications, Computing 干扰 gānrǎo noises plural informal (polite remarks) 议论 yìlùn to make polite/sympathetic noises 说一些礼貌/同情的话 to make the right noises 随声附和




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