

词汇 minimum
minimum | BrE ˈmɪnɪməm, AmE ˈmɪnəməm | A. noun plural minima or minimums (least possible or allowed) 最低限度 zuì dī xiàndù to keep sth to a or the minimum 把某物保持在最低限度 to reduce sth to a or the minimum 把某物降到最低 the bare or absolute minimum 最低值 to do the minimum 做最少的工作 at the minimum 以最小值 (lowest or smallest quantity or value possible or recorded) 最少量 zuìshǎoliàng B. adjective (least) 最少的 zuì shǎo de quantity, requirement, interruption, delay (lowest) 最低的 zuì dī de temperature, price, standard, age, level




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