

词汇 provide
provide | BrE prəˈvʌɪd, AmE prəˈvaɪd | A. transitive verb (supply, offer) 提供 tígōng to provide sb with sth; 为某人提供某物 to provide sth for or to sb/sth; 提供某物给某人/某物 to provide (sb with) the ammunition to do sth figurative (为某人)提供做某事的论据 to provide an answer 给出答案 curtains provide privacy 窗帘可以保护隐私 to provide an incentive for sb to do sth 刺激某人做某事 to provide the perfect introduction to … 详尽介绍 subjectto provide access to … «path, door» 通向… 'training provided' “提供培训” Law, Administration (stipulate) «law, agreement, judge» 规定 guīdìng to provide that …; 规定… unless otherwise provided 除非另行规定 except as provided (below) 除(下文)规定外 B. intransitive verb archaic «God, the state» 提供生活必需品 tígōng shēnghuó bìxūpǐn the Lord will provide 上帝会恩赐的 PHRASAL VERBS provide against transitive verb [provide against sth] formal 防备 fángbèi damage, change, shortageprovide for: transitive verb [provide for sb/sth] (finance, maintain) 供养 gōngyǎng person, familyI have to provide for my old age 我必须为年老时作准备 [provide for sth] (allow for) 把…考虑在内 bǎ… kǎolǜ zàinèi risk, eventuality; 规定 guīdìng action, compensationexpenses provided for in the budget 纳入预算中的开支 the law provides for sth to be done 法律规定要做某事




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