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词汇 put
put | BrE pʊt, AmE pʊt | A. transitive verb present participle putting past tense, past participle put (place) 安置 ānzhì person; fàng object, feetto put sth in/on/under/around sth 把某物放到某物里/上/下/周围 he put his arm around her/her waist 他用胳膊搂着她/她的腰 to put sth high up/low down 把某物放到高处/下面 someone had put a ladder against the wall 有人靠墙放了一把梯子 I've put you in the spare room 我把你安排到空余的房间里了 to put a ball out (of court) 把球击到场外 to put an advertisement/announcement in the paper 在报纸上登广告/声明 I wouldn't put it past him/her (to do sth) informal 我看他/她是干得出(某事)的 I wouldn't put anything past him/her informal 我看他/她什么事都做得出来 to put one's trust/confidence in sb 信任某人/对某人有信心 put your faith in the Lord! 皈依主吧! (affix) 安装 ānzhuāng to put a new lock on a door 给一扇门装新锁 to put a stamp on a letter 往信上贴邮票 to put a button on a shirt 在衬衫上钉纽扣 (cause to be or do) 使处于…状态 shǐ chǔyú… zhuàngtài the doctor put me on a diet 医生让我节食 my brother put me on the train 哥哥把我送上了火车 to put sth into service/in order 把某物投入使用/整理好 to put sb in an awkward or difficult position 让某人为难 to put sb in a good/bad mood 让某人心情好/差 she put her hair in a ponytail 她扎起了马尾辫 to put sb over/under sb Business 让某人当某人的上司/下属 to put sb in goal/defence 让某人当守门员/防守 to put a clock/watch right 把钟/表拨准 to put sth on one side 把某物放在一旁 he was put to work in the kitchen 他被派到厨房去干活儿了 I do hope we're not putting you to too much trouble 我希望我们没有给你带来太多麻烦 (cause to have) 产生 chǎnshēng gloss; 留下 liúxia edge, holeto put a shine on sth 使某物有光泽 to put a dent in sth 在某物上弄出凹痕 the fresh air put some colour into his cheeks 新鲜空气让他面颊有了血色 (rate) 给…评级 gěi… píngjí I put him among the great composers 我认为他是一位伟大的作曲家 to put sb/sth before or above sb/sth 把某人/某事物看得比某人/某事物重要 to put children/safety first 优先考虑孩子们/把安全放在首位 (express) 表达 biǎodá thoughts, feelings; 提出 tíchū argument, proposalas the poet puts it, … 正像诗人所说的那样,… to put it bluntly, … 直截了当地说,… that's one way of putting it 这是一种说法 to put sth into …; 用…表达某事物 words, music 把某物翻译成 bǎ mǒu wù fānyì chéng another languageto put sth in a few words 简述某事 how would you put that in Chinese? 这个用汉语怎么说? nicely put! 说得好! (thrust) sāi objecthe put his hands into his pockets 他把手插进了衣袋 to put sth through sth; 把某物塞进 letter boxto put sth through the books Finance 以记账方式购买某物 to put sth through a test/process 让某物经过检验/工序流程 to put sb through sth; (support financially) 供某人上 school, university, college informal (force) 让某人经受 ràng mǒu rén jīngshòu test, sufferinghe put his family through a great deal of trouble 他给家人惹了好多麻烦 to put sb through it 让某人受苦 to put a bullet in sb/sth 开枪打中某人/某物 to put sth behind one 把某事抛到脑后 he put his hand up the pipe 他把手放到管子上 the guard put him out of the building 保安把他赶出了大楼 (devote, invest) 投入 tóurù money, time, energyhe put as much feeling into his voice as he could 他尽可能让自己的声音充满感情 to put a lot of oneself into sth 全身心投入某事 he puts £150 in a savings account every month 他每月存入储蓄账户150英镑 (wager) to put ten pounds/a bet on a horse 在一匹马上下10英镑赌注/下赌注 (assign) 确定 quèdìng ; (attribute) 认定 rèndìng to put a price on sth 为某物定价 I don't put any value on it or I put no value on it 我认为这个毫无价值 it's difficult to put a date on it 很难确定它的年代 to put a limit on sth 限制某事物 (impose) 施加 shījiā commentators put some of the blame on Congress 评论家们把一部分过错归咎于国会 (add) 增加 zēngjiā money, savingsto put sth towards sth; 为某事凑钱 to put money towards a holiday 为休假攒钱 to put sth on sth; 将某物增加某数目 the Chancellor has put a penny on income tax 财政大臣把所得税提高了1便士 to put tax or duty on sth 对某事物征税 the experience has put 10 years on him 这次经历让他老了10岁 (write) 写出 xiěchū name, initials, punctuation mark; 画出 huàchū cross, markto put one's signature to a document 在文件上签名 I couldn't read what she had put 我看不懂她写的字 (offer for consideration) 提出…供考虑 tíchū… gōng kǎolǜ argument, proposalto put sth to sb/sth; 向某人/某机构提出某事 to put sth to sb; (express) 给某人说某事 (communicate) 把某事传达给某人 (submit) 向某人提交某物 I put it to you that … 我告诉你… to put a plan/one's complaint before sb 向某人提交计划/投诉 (estimate) 估计 gūjì to put sth at sth; 估计某物为某数值 I'd put its value at around £500 我估计它大约值500英镑 I'd put her (age) at about 35 我估计她大约35岁 B. to put oneself reflexive verb present participle putting past tense, past participle put to put oneself in an awkward/a strong position 把自己弄得很尴尬/使自己处于强势地位 bǎ zìjǐ nòng de hěn gāngà/shǐ zìjǐ chǔyú qiángshì dìwèi put yourself in his position or place or informal shoes 你设身处地为他想想 I didn't know where to put myself informal 我尴尬得手足无措 C. intransitive verb present participle putting past tense, past participle put Nautical 进港 jìn gǎng to put into port 驶入港口 D. noun Sport 推铅球 tuī qiānqiú PHRASAL VERBS put about A. intransitive verb «vessel, sailor, captain» 掉转航向 diàozhuǎn hángxiàng B. transitive verb [put sth about, put about sth] Nautical 使…掉转航向 shǐ… diàozhuǎn hángxiàng vesselBritish (spread) 散布 sànbù rumour, gossipit's being put about that … 纷纷传说… put across A. transitive verb [put sth across, put across sth] (communicate) 表达 biǎodá idea, concept, point of view; 传达 chuándá messageB. to put oneself across reflexive verb 表达自己 biǎodá zìjǐ to be good at putting oneself across 善于表达自己 shànyú biǎodá zìjǐ put aside transitive verb [put sth aside, put aside sth] (place to one side) 把…放到一边 bǎ… fàngdào yībiān (save) cún moneyto put something aside for a rainy day 未雨绸缪 (devote) 留出 liúchū timeI put aside half an hour every day to write or for writing my diary 我每天抽出半小时写日记 Business (reserve) 预留 yùliú to put aside sth for sb 为某人保留某物 (end) 搁置 gēzhì differences, doubts, problemsput away A. [put sth away, put away sth] transitive verb (tidy away) 收起 shōuqǐ (save) cún moneyshe's got a tidy sum put away! 她攒了不少钱! informal (consume) 大吃 dà chī food; 猛喝 měng hē drinkSport informal 踢进 tījìn goal, shot, penalty, conversionB. [put sb away, put away sb] transitive verb informal (confine) (in prison) 囚禁 qiújìn ; (in psychiatric hospital) 收容 shōuróng to put sb away for 10 years/life 把某人关押10年/终身监禁 she went a bit queer in the head and had to be put away 她脑子出了点问题,不得不被送进精神病院 put back A. transitive verb [put sth back, put back sth] (return, restore) 放回 fànghuí to put sth back on/in/under sth 把某物放回到某物上/里/下 to put sth back together again 重新把某物组装好 (wind backwards) 往后拨 wǎng hòu bō clock, watchto put the time back to 3 o'clock 把时间拨回到3点 to put the big hand back five minutes 把时针拨后5分钟 (postpone) 推迟 tuīchí event, departure, timeto put sth back to or until … 把某事推迟到… the meeting has been put back to a later date/the 23rd 会议被推迟到以后的某个日期/23号 (delay) 延误 yánwù production, completionthe strike has put deliveries back by two weeks 罢工使得交货时间延误了两周 informal (knock back) 猛喝 měng hē drinkB. intransitive verb 返回 fǎnhuí the ship had to put back to port 船不得不返回港口 put by transitive verb [put sth by, put by sth] (mainly British) 积攒 jīzǎn moneyhe tries to put something by every month 他尽量每月攒一些钱 I have a bit put by 我攒了一点钱 put down A. [put sth/sb down, put down sth/sb] transitive verb (on ground, surface) 放下 fàngxia it's a great book. I couldn't put it down 这本书太棒了,我爱不释手 she put the phone down on me British 她挂掉了我的电话 Transport 让…下车 ràng… xiàchē passengersinformal (criticize) 责难 zénàn ; (humiliate) 羞辱 xiūrǔ (classify) (mentally) 把…看作 bǎ… kànzuò ; (in writing) 把…归类 bǎ… guīlèi to put sb/sth down as sb/sth; 把某人/某事物视作某人/某事物 (enter on list) 登记 dēngjì person, nameto put sb/sth down for sth; 为某事给某人/某事物登记 you can put me down for £10 请给我登记认捐10英镑 they've put their son down for Eton 他们为儿子报名上伊顿公学 B. [put sth down, put down sth] transitive verb (write down) 写下 xiěxia can you put it down in writing? 你能把它写下来吗? (suppress) 镇压 zhènyā rebellion, oppositionto put sth down by force 武力镇压某活动 Aviation 驾驶…着陆 jiàshǐ… zhuólù aircraft(put in storage) 储存 chǔcún wine, cheese, produceVeterinary science 弄死 nòngsǐ animalto put an animal down humanely 人道地杀死动物 Politics 提交 tíjiāo motion(deposit) 预交 yùjiāo moneyto put sth down on sth; 为某物交某定金 we put all our savings down on a new house 我们拿出全部积蓄付了新房子的定金 Transport 让某人下车 ràng mǒu rén xiàchē passengers(charge) 以记账方式购买 yǐ jìzhàng fāngshì gòumǎi articleto put sth down to sth; 把某物的款项记在某处 put these shoes down to my account, please 请把鞋子的款项记在我的账上 (ascribe) to put sth down to sth; 把某事归因于某事物 bǎ mǒu shì guī yīn yú mǒu shìwù I put the error down to sheer carelessness/negligence 我认为这个错误纯粹是马虎/疏忽造成的 to put sth down to experience 吸取某事的经验 xīqǔ mǒu shì de jīngyàn C. intransitive verb «aircraft, pilot» 着陆 zhuólù D. to put oneself down reflexive verb (be self-deprecatory) 自我贬低 zìwǒ biǎndī ; (be self-critical) 自责 zìzé put forth transitive verb [put sth forth, put forth sth] (formal or literary) 长出 zhǎngchū leaves, roots; 伸出 shēnchū arm, handput forward A. [put sb/sth forward, put forward sb/sth] transitive verb (propose) 提议 tíyì are you going to put him/your name forward for the post? 你会推荐他/自荐担任此职吗? can I put you forward as a candidate? 我可以提名你做候选人吗? B. [put sth forward, put forward sth] transitive verb (wind forwards) 往前拨 wǎng qián bō clock, watchto put the big hand forward an hour/to 3 o'clock 把时针拨快1小时/拨到3点 (advance in time) 把…提前 bǎ… tíqián event, departure, timeto put sth forward by sth; 将某事提前某量 they put the wedding forward (by) a month 他们把婚礼日期提前了一个月 to put sth forward to or until sth; 将某事提前到某时间 put the meeting forward to the 21st of the month 把会议的日期提前到本月21日 (suggest) 提出 tíchū suggestion, theoryto put sth forward for sth; 为某事提出某事 he put forward radical proposals for reforming the electoral system 他提交了有关改革选举制度的激进提案 to put forward sth to do sth; 提议某事做某事 the authorities have put forward a new plan to combat vandalism 当局提出了一项防止破坏公物行为的新计划 C. to put oneself forward reflexive verb 自荐 zìjiàn to put oneself forward for sth; 为某事物自荐 wèi mǒu shìwù zìjiàn are you going to put yourself forward for the post? 你要自荐担任此职吗? to put oneself forward as sth; 自荐担任某角色 zìjiàn dānrèn mǒu juésè put in A. [put sth in, put in sth] transitive verb (add) 加入 jiārù ingredient(install, fit) 安装 ānzhuāng appliance, equipment(insert) 戴上 dàishang contact lens; 镶上 xiāngshang false teeth; (in opening, container) 放入 fàngrù cork, plug(include) 插入 chārù word, paragraph, punctuation markto put in that … 插话说… (submit) 提出 tíchū request, resignationto put in an application for sth 为某事物提交申请 to put in a claim for sth 提出对某事物的要求 to put in an appearance 露一下面 (devote) 付出 fùchū time, effortto put in time/a lot of work doing sth 花时间/费很大工夫做某事 he has put in an honest day's work 他辛苦工作了一整天 Finance 投入 tóurù money, resources(in boxing) 击出 jīchū punchB. [put in sth] transitive verb (interject) 插入 chārù wordsto put in a word for sb 为某人说几句话 ‘but what about us?’he put in “那我们怎么办?”他插嘴问道 C. [put sb in, put in sb] transitive verb Politics (choose) 使…当选 shǐ… dāngxuǎn candidate; 选举…执政 xuǎnjǔ… zhízhèng party(enter, recommend) 推荐 tuījiàn candidateto put sb in for sth; 为某事推荐某人/某物 to be put in for promotion/a competition 被荐举晋升/参加比赛 (begin to employ) 指派 zhǐpài you need to put a member of staff in as a caretaker 你需要派一名员工代管 (in cricket) 让…先击球 ràng… xiān jīqiú teamto put sb in to bat 让某人先击球 D. to put oneself in reflexive verb to put oneself in for 报名参加 competition, exam报名申请 bàomíng shēnqǐng promotion, awardE. intransitive verb (mainly British) (apply) 申请 shēnqǐng to put in for sth; 申请某事 are you going to put in for the post/six months' leave? 你要申请这个职位/半年休假吗? Nautical «vessel, crew» 进港 jìn gǎng the ship put in at Lagos for repairs 这艘船停靠在拉各斯港进行维修 put off A. [put sth off, put off sth] transitive verb (postpone) 推迟 tuīchí task, appointment, decisionshe keeps on putting off going to the dentist 她一直拖着没去看牙医 the meeting has been put off until June/after Christmas 会议推迟至6月/圣诞节后召开 (switch off) guān light, appliance; duàn electricityB. [put sb off, put off sb] transitive verb (displease, repel) 使反感 shǐ fǎngǎn the very thought of eating snails puts me off! 一想到吃蜗牛我就恶心! to put sb off sth/sb/off doing sth; 使某人讨厌某事物/某人/做某事 the accident put her off driving for life 那次车祸让她一辈子不想开车 (allow to get off) (from bus) 让…下车 ràng… xiàchē ; (from boat) 让…下船 ràng… xiàchuán (stall, fob off) 取消与…的会面 qǔxiāo yǔ… de huìmiàn she put him off with a vague excuse/promise that … 她含含糊糊地找了个借口/用…的承诺把他打发掉了 to be easily put off (discouraged) 容易泄气 (dissuaded) 容易打发 British (distract) 干扰 gānrǎo person, playerto put sb off sth; 扰乱某人做某事 any sudden noise will put him off his game 任何突然的声响都会干扰他比赛 C. intransitive verb «ship, crew» 离港 lí gǎng to put off from the quay 离开码头 put on transitive verb [put sth on, put on sth] (dress oneself in) 穿 chuān clothes, shoes; dài hat, gloves(apply to skin) 涂抹 túmǒ cream, suntan oil, make-up, lipstick(put in place) zhuāng tyre; bedclothes(switch on, operate) 打开 dǎkāi appliance; kāi light; 接通 jiētōng electricityto put the kettle on 把水壶烧上 I'll put the dinner on in a minute 我马上做晚饭 (play) 播放 bōfàng music, CD, recordto put some jazz/Beethoven on 放一些爵士乐/贝多芬的乐曲 (gain) 增加 zēngjiā weightI put on a few kilos over Christmas 圣诞节期间我重了好几公斤 (add, impose) 征收 zhēngshōu excise duty, tax(stage) 上演 shàngyǎn play, film; 举办 jǔbàn display, exhibition(add to service) 增开 zēngkāi extra train, carriage; 增设 zēngshè bus service, rail service(make available) 供应 gōngyìng meal, food(wind forwards) 往前拨 wǎng qián bō clock, watchput the big hand on one hour 把时针拨快一小时 (assume, adopt) 装出 zhuāngchū air, expressionput out A. [put sth out, put out sth] transitive verb (take outside) 把…放到屋外 bǎ… fàngdào wū wài dustbin, rubbish, milk bottle(make available, arrange) 把…准备好 bǎ… zhǔnbèi hǎo food, towel, clothes; 摆好 bǎihǎo cards, chess pieces(extend) 伸出 shēnchū hand, arm, foot, legto put out one's tongue 伸出舌苔让医生检查 (in tennis, badminton) 把…击出场外 bǎ… jīchū chǎngwài ; (in basketball) 把…投出场外 bǎ… tóuchū chǎngwài ; (in football) 把…踢出场外 bǎ… tīchū chǎngwài Botany 长出 zhǎngchū leaves, roots(issue) 发出 fāchū report, appeal, warning; 发布 fābù statement(extinguish) 扑灭 pūmiè fire; 吹灭 chuīmiè candle; 掐灭 qiāmiè cigarette(switch off) 关掉 guāndiào light, gas(cause to be wrong) 使…出错 shǐ… chūcuò result, calculationthat has put all my plans out 那使我的计划都泡汤了 Business (subcontract) 把…承包出去 bǎ… chéngbāo chuqu work, jobwe put a lot of our work out to freelancers 我们把许多活儿都承包给了自由职业者 to put sth out to tender 就某事招标 (launch) 生产 shēngchǎn productB. transitive verb [put sb out, put out sb] (knock out) (with blow) 打晕 dǎyūn ; (with drugs) 麻醉 mázuì to put sb out for the count 把某人击倒在地上,等待从1倒数到10 (inconvenience) 给…带来不便 gěi… dàilái bùbiàn (annoy) 惹恼 rěnǎo to look/feel put out 看上去/感觉很烦 C. to put oneself out reflexive verb 特意 tèyì please don't put yourself out! 不用麻烦! bùyòng máfan ! to put oneself out to do sth 特意做某事 tèyì zuò mǒu shì to put oneself out on sb's account or for sb 特意为某人费事 tèyì wèi mǒu rén fèishì D. intransitive verb Nautical «ship, crew» 出海 chūhǎi to put out to sea 出海 chūhǎi US informal (consent to sex) 同意发生性关系 tóngyì fāshēng xìngguānxì put over transitive verb = put across Aput through A. [put sth through, put through sth] transitive verb (implement successfully) 完成 wánchéng scheme, plan, reform; 达成 dáchéng dealB. [put sb/sth through, put through sb/sth] transitive verb Telecommunications 为…接通电话 wèi… jiētōng diànhuà she put through a call from my husband 她接到我丈夫的一个电话 to put sb through to sb/sth; 把某人的电话接通到某人/某处 I was put through to the wrong department 我的电话被转错了部门 put together transitive verb [put sth together, put together sth] (assemble) 安装 ānzhuāng machine, furniture, parts, piecesshe's smarter than the rest of the family put together 她比家里其他人加起来还要聪明 (place together) 集中 jízhōng animals, objects, peopleI put the DVDs together with the tapes 我把DVD和磁带放在了一起 to put one's hands together (for sb) (为某人)鼓掌 (form) 组成 zǔchéng partnership, team(compile, write, edit) 编制 biānzhì file, anthology, leaflet; 撰写 zhuànxiě case, essay, application; 制作 zhìzuò programme(prepare) 烹制出 pēngzhì chū mealput up A. [put sth up, put up sth] transitive verb (raise) 升起 shēngqǐ flag, sailto put up one's hair 把头发盘起来 to put one's hand up 举手 put 'em up! informal (to surrender) 举起手来! (to fight) 握紧拳头! she put up her collar 她翻起了领子 to put up an umbrella 打开伞 (build, erect) 盖起 gàiqǐ memorial, shed, building; 砌起 qìqǐ fence; 支起 zhīqǐ tent; 架起 jiàqǐ aerial, radio mast, barrier(post up) 张贴 zhāngtiē he had put up a notice on the board 他在板上贴了一个通告 (increase) 提高 tígāo price, temperature, level; 增加 zēngjiā pressure, totalthe government has put up income tax 政府调高了所得税 (show, present) 发起 fāqǐ resistance, struggleour side put up a good performance 我们这边表现相当不错 they surrendered without putting up much of a fight 他们没有激烈反抗就投降了 Finance 提供 tígōng money(present) 提出 tíchū case, proposal, ideato put sth up for discussion/consideration 提出某事供讨论/考虑 Aerospace 发射 fāshè satellite, rocket, space station(offer) 拿出来 ná chulai [出售或拍卖]to put sth up for sale/auction 拿某物出来卖/拍卖 B. [put sb up, put up sb] transitive verb (provide with accommodation) 为…提供食宿 wèi… tígōng shísù to put sb up for the night 留某人过夜 (as candidate) 提名 tímíng to put sb up for promotion 提名某人晋升 informal (incite) to put sb up to a crime/stealing the money 怂恿某人犯罪/偷钱 sǒngyǒng mǒu rén fànzuì/tōu qián (promote) 让…升级 ràng… shēngjí pupil, teamshe was put up from set 2 to set 1 她被从二级提升到了一级 C. intransitive verb (stay) 过夜 guòyè to put up with friends 住在朋友家里 to put up at a stranger's house 在陌生人家里过夜 (be candidate) 自荐 zìjiàn to put up for the post of …/for the election 自荐出任…之职/参加选举 zìjiàn chūrèn… zhī zhí/cānjiā xuǎnjǔ to put up or shut up informal 要么澄清自己,要么闭嘴 they called for the minister to either put up or shut up 他们要求那位部长要么澄清自己,要么就闭嘴 D. to put oneself up reflexive verb 自荐 zìjiàn to put oneself up for the post of …/for election 自荐出任…之职/参加选举 zìjiàn chūrèn… zhī zhí/cānjiā xuǎnjǔ put up with transitive verb [put up with sb/sth] 容忍 róngrěn how can you put up with that noise? 你怎么能忍受那种噪声?




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