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词汇 place
place | BrE pleɪs, AmE pleɪs | A. noun uncountable and countable (specified location) 地点 dìdiǎn ; (unspecified location) 地方 dìfang ; (geographical location) 地区 dìqū he had no place to go 他无处可去 at or in a place; 在某个地方 from place to place; 到处 same time, same place 老时间,老地方 there's no place like home proverb 普天之下家最好 not here, of all places! 别的什么地方都行,就是不能在这里! to be seen in all the right places 在所有的重要场合抛头露面 a place in the sun figurative 有发展前途的职位 to be all over the place informal (be everywhere) 到处都是 (be disorderly) 乱七八糟 (be disorganized) 杂乱无章 to go places (travel) 旅行 (go about) 四处走动 to be going places figurative 春风得意 to take place 发生 the country is hilly in places 该国家的某些地区多丘陵 in high places figurative 处于权势阶层 countable (site, home) 场所 chǎngsuǒ a place of worship/business/entertainment/execution 礼拜堂/营业场所/娱乐场所/刑场 a place of learning/refuge 学府/避难所 a country/seaside place 乡村/海边处所 a meeting/stopping place 聚会地点/中途停留地 we're having a party at our place tonight 今晚我们要在家里举行聚会 a place of one's own 自己的居所 to scream the place down 吵死人 there are places for people like you! 自有地方收容你这样的人! countable (suitable location) 适当位置 shìdàng wèizhi a or the place for sb/sth/to do sth 适合某人/某事物/做某事的地方 she put the book back in its place 她把书放回了原位 a place for everything, and everything in its place 兼容并蓄,各得其所 in place (proper position) 在适当位置 (ready to work) 准备就绪的 (suitable) 合适的 (on the spot) 在现场 the new manager is not yet in place 新经理还未上任 to put a law/scheme/regime in place 施行法律/执行计划/实行制度 a word of thanks would be in place US 说声谢谢就可以了 to fall or slot or click into place (become organized) 变得有条不紊 (become clear in the mind) 变得明朗 out of place (not in the proper position) 位置不当的 (not suitable for a particular context) 不得体的 modern furniture would be out of place in a Victorian house 现代家具放在维多利亚式住宅里会显得不伦不类 to look/feel out of place 看上去/感到格格不入 countable (point reached) (in book, paragraph, speech) 某处 mǒu chù ; (point reached in time) (in film, play, piece of music) 某时点 mǒu shídiǎn I've lost my place in the book 我忘了书上次读到哪儿了 the audience laughed in all the wrong places 观众总在不该笑的时候哄堂大笑 the show was funny/boring/silly in places 演出有时很有趣/无聊/荒唐 countable (seat, space) 座位 zuòwèi to show sb to his or her place 给某人引座 to keep or save a place for sb 为某人留座位 to take one's place (go to necessary physical position) 就座 (take rightful position in society etc.) 得到应有的社会地位 to be in one's place 在位置上 to lay or set a place for sb at the table 在餐桌上为某人摆放餐具 the place of honour 贵宾席位 uncountable and countable (social, historical position) 地位 dìwèi ; (social, historical role) 身份 shēnfèn to have a place in sth 在某事物中占有一席之地 to take sb's place or the place of sb 代替某人 to put/keep sb in his or her place 煞某人的威风/让某人明白自己的身份 violence has no place in their political creed 他们的政治理念排斥使用暴力 it's not my place to tell you what you should do! 告诉你该干什么不是我该做的事! in place of sb/sth 取代某人/某事物的 to keep (to) one's place 安分守己 to know/forget one's place 有/没有自知之明 how dare you speak to a lady like that! you're forgetting your place! 你怎么敢同一位女士这么说话!你太不知天高地厚了! a woman's place (is in the home) 女人的本分(是持家) countable (personal situation) 位置 wèizhi to put oneself in sb else's or sb's place 设身处地替某人着想 to change or swap or trade places with sb 与某人交换位置 I'm perfectly happy — I wouldn't change places with anyone 我非常满足──我不愿成为其他任何人 uncountable and countable (relative position in test, contest) 名次 míngcì to win or gain first place 获得第一名 to finish in first/second place 获得第一/第二名 to take or get a place in an exam 在考试中获得好成绩 to get a low/high place in class 在班级里排名靠后/靠前 the top/bottom three places 前/后三名 to take second place to sth 比不上某事物 in the first/second/third place 处在第一/第二/第三位 to give place to sb/sth 让位于某人/某事物 countable (position of employment or responsibility) 职位 zhíwèi he has a place in publishing 他在出版行业供职 a place on the committee/board 委员会/董事会成员的职位 she has a place as a cook 她是厨师 countable British School, University 就读机会 jiùdú jīhuì to be offered a place (at university) 被录取(进大学) a free/fee-paying place 免费的/须支付学费的名额 countable Sport (position on team) 队员资格 duìyuán zīgé a place in the national Olympic squad 国家奥林匹克运动队的队员资格 a place as team captain 队长身份 countable Mathematics [小数点后的] wèi three decimal places, three places of decimals 小数点后三位 Place singular (mainly British) (in place names) (square) 广场 guǎngchǎng ; (street) jiē ; (large country house) 宅院 zháiyuàn Langham Place, London 伦敦兰海姆广场 uncountable Theatre [三一律中的] 地点 dìdiǎn the unities of action, time, and place 情节、时间、地点的一致 B. transitive verb (locate or put carefully) 放置 fàngzhì the house is badly placed on a busy main road 房子位于繁忙的主干道旁,位置很糟糕 to place sth high up/low down/to one side 把某物放在高处/低处/一旁 to place sth in order/in position 把某物放整齐/放到适当的位置 to place proposals before a committee 将提案递交给委员会 to place evidence before a court 向法庭出示证据 to place oneself (somewhere); (take up position physically) 处于(某位置) chǔyú(mǒu wèizhi) he placed himself where he could observe the audience 他在可以观察所有观众的位置上 (put in situation) 安置 ānzhì personto place sb in sth; 安排某人某事 to place sb in a dilemma/a tight corner 使某人进退两难/陷入困境 to place sb with sb/sth; 把某人安排在某人处/某处 to place sb in charge/command (of sth/sb) 让某人负责/指挥(某事/某人) to place sb under arrest/surveillance 逮捕/监视某人 to place sb at an advantage/a disadvantage/risk 使某人处于有利位置/处于不利位置/身处险境 to place sb on a list 把某人列入名单 to place sb in care/in the care of sb 使某人得到照顾/得到某人的照顾 you're best placed to judge 你是作评判的最佳人选 I'm very well placed at the moment 我现在一切顺利 he's better placed than most people think 他过得比大多数人想的要好 to be badly/awkwardly/similarly placed 处境困难/糟糕/相似 to place oneself (somewhere); (put in particular situation) 处于(某境地) chǔyú(mǒu jìngdì) you are not placing yourself under any obligation 你不会承担任何责任 (allocate, assign) 给予 jǐyǔ to place limitations/blame/reliance on sb 限制/责备/信赖某人 to place emphasis on sth 强调某事物 to place pressure on sb 向某人施加压力 to place one's faith or trust in sb 信任某人 to place (the) responsibility for sth in sb's hands 让某人负责某事 they place a high value on punctuality 他们非常注重守时 (arrange for) 安排 ānpái to place an advertisement in a paper 在报纸上刊登一则广告 to place an order/a contract for sth (with sb) (向某人)发出某物的订单/(与某人)签订某事物的合同 to place a bet on sth (with sb) (与某人)就某事物下赌注 (identify) 认出 rènchū person, locality; 辨认 biànrèn faceI can't quite place his accent 我不太能辨别他的口音 British (rank) 划分 huàfēn I would place him among the greatest players of all time 我认为他是史上最伟大的选手之一 to place sb/sth high/low 高估/低估某人/某事物 the judges placed her second 评委给她第二 she (was) placed fifth in the exam 这次考试她考了第五名 to be placed Sport (be among the first three) 名列前三 míng liè qián sān British (be among the first four) 名列前四 míng liè qián sì my horse has been placed several times 我的赛马几次获得名次 Finance 投入 tóurù to place money on deposit 存钱 she placed all her savings in gilts/blue chips 她把自己所有的积蓄都购买了金边债券/蓝筹股 C. intransitive verb Sport (be among the first three) 名列前三 míng liè qián sān ; British (be among the first four) 名列前四 míng liè qián sì the one I bet on didn't even place 我下了赌注的那匹马连名次都没得到




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