

词汇 lucky
lucky | BrE ˈlʌki, AmE ˈləki | adjective (fortunate) 幸运的 xìngyùn de to be lucky to do/be sth; 做某事/是某状况很幸运 to be lucky enough to do sth; 做某事够幸运的 to have a lucky escape 幸运地逃脱 lucky you! 你真走运! you lucky thing or devil or dog! informal 你这个走运的家伙! you'll be lucky to get a taxi 但愿你能打到出租车 I/you should be so lucky! informal 我/你没那么走运吧! you should think or count yourself lucky that … 你该暗自庆幸了, … (bringing good luck) 带来好运的 dàilai hǎoyùn de mascot, personlucky charm/colour/number/day 吉祥饰物/幸运色/幸运数字/吉日 (to get a or one's) lucky break (获得)机遇 to thank one's lucky stars 感谢上苍 you can thank your lucky stars that … informal 多亏你运气好,才… third time lucky informal 第三次会交好运的




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