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词汇 move back
move back A. intransitive verb (go backwards) 后退 hòutuì ; «troops» 撤退 chètuì move back to let me pass 后退一步让我过去 to move back a space 后退一个空格 (return) «person» 回来 huílai ; «mechanism» 复位 fùwèi ; (to old residence, office) 搬回来 bān huílai to move back to the window 回到窗前 to move back to London 把家搬回伦敦 (be postponed) «date, meeting» 推迟 tuīchí B. transitive verb [move sth/sb back, move back sth/sb] (shift backwards) 后移 hòu yí object; 让…后退 ràng… hòutuì crowd, lineto move sth back a bit/a metre 把某物向后移一点/移动一米 move your troops back behind the ridge 让你的部队退到山脊后面 (return) 把…搬回来 bǎ… bān huílai object; 把…调回 bǎ… diàohuí personto move sth back (to) where it was (before) 把某物搬回原处 to be moved back to headquarters/London 被调回总部/伦敦 (postpone) 推迟 tuīchí date, meetingto be moved back to April 被推迟到4月




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