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词汇 much
much | BrE mʌtʃ, AmE mətʃ | A. adjective comparative form more superlative form most 很多的 hěn duō de I don't have much money/time 我的钱/时间不多 she didn't speak much English 她英语会得不多 it doesn't make much sense 这没有多大意义 with much love from … (at end of letter) 深爱你的… how much liquid does it contain? 这里面装了多少液体? twice as much money as … 两倍于…的钱 to have much pleasure in introducing sb formal 有幸介绍某人 much good it did them! ironic 这真让他们受益良多啊! B. pronoun (a great deal) 大量 dàliàng much of (the) …; …的大部分 there isn't much left 没有剩下多少 I don't have much to do today 我今天事情不多 does it cost much? 这很贵吗? there isn't much to choose between … …之间没有什么可选择的 there isn't much in British or to US it 不相上下 there isn't much in it for us 这对我们没什么好处 we danced for much of the night 我们跳舞跳了大半夜 much has been gained from the experience formal 从这次经历中收获很多 much you know about it! ironic 你知道的真多啊! to make much of sth (treat as important) 重视某事物 I couldn't make much of her last book 她的上一本书我看不太懂 to make much of sb 悉心照料某人 (expressing relative amount, degree) 许多 xǔduō how much? 多少? so much; 那么多 they are willing to pay so much per vehicle 每辆汽车他们都愿意支付那么多钱 he'd shouted so much that he was hoarse 他大喊大叫,把嗓子都喊哑了 she left without so much as a word 她一句话也没说就走了 they can be imprisoned for so much as criticizing the regime 他们可能仅仅因为批评政权便遭到关押 so much of the earth is polluted 地球上那么多地方都受到了污染 so much for press freedom/feminine intuition! 出版自由/女性的直觉不过如此! so much for that! 这件事到此为止! I've read this/that much already 我已经读了这么/那么多了 it's that much too short 它短了那么多 this much is certain, we have no choice 这一点是肯定的,我们没有选择 do you know how much this means to me? 你知道这对我有多重要吗? I've eaten/drunk too much 我吃得/喝得太多了 it's too much! 太过分了! the heat's too much for them 他们难以忍受这种酷热 he was too much for his opponent 对于他的对手来说,他太强大了 twice as much 两倍之多 I'll need half as much again 再给我来一半 as much as possible 尽可能多 I enjoy nature as much as the next person 我和大家一样喜爱自然 it was as much as he could do to keep a straight face/not to laugh 他尽量克制才没有笑出来 as much as to say … 就等于说… (focusing on limitations, inadequacy) 不过如此 bùguò rúcǐ he's not much to look at 他看上去很一般 I don't think much of that film 我认为那部电影不怎么样 it isn't up to much British 这没什么了不起 she isn't much of a cook/letter-writer 她不太会做饭/写信 that's not much of a consolation! 这算不上什么安慰! I'm not much of a one for television 我不大适合上电视 C. adverb (considerably, greatly) 非常 fēicháng much bigger/smaller 大/小得多 the film was much better than I expected 这部电影比我预期的好多了 the shoes are much too expensive 这双鞋太贵了 does it hurt much? 疼得厉害吗? much as or though I'd like to 尽管我很愿意 much to our annoyance, they didn't phone back 令我们非常恼火的是,他们没回电话 we much regret having to decline the invitation formal 我们不能赴约,深感遗憾 to be not much good at sth/doing sth 不太擅长某事/做某事 your comments would be much appreciated 非常欢迎提意见 the meeting has been much criticized 这次会面遭到了广泛指责 she was much loved by her friends 她的朋友都很喜欢她 (by far) 极大地 jí dà de much the…; (with comparative) …得多 (with superlative) 最… much too …; 过于 it's much the more interesting of the two studies 在这两项研究中,这个要有趣得多 she is much the best student here 她是这里最最好的学生 much rather; 宁愿 I'd much rather not 我宁可不 he eats much too much 他吃得实在太多 (often) 经常 jīngcháng we don't go out much 我们不怎么出门 do you go to concerts much? 你经常去听音乐会吗? (approximately, nearly) 几乎 jīhū his condition is (very) much the same as yesterday 他的情况和昨天几乎(完全)一样 it's pretty much like driving a car 这和开汽车很相似 he behaved much the way the others did 他的表现和其他人差不多 in much the same way 几乎同样地 (indicating degree) 很大程度上 hěn dà chéngdù shang too much; 太多 so or very much; 非常 fēicháng it's so much better 这好多了 we enjoyed ourselves very much 我们玩得很开心 not so much … as …; 与其说…不如说… it wasn't so much a warning as a threat 与其说是警告不如说是威胁 as much (…) as; 和…一样 she doesn't worry as much as before 她不像以前那样担忧了 I don't want to go as much as all that informal 我不太想去 she is as much entitled to a visa as you 她和你一样应该得到签证 however much; 无论怎样 you talk/worry too much 你说话太多/多虑了 I felt very much the foreigner 我感觉完全像个外人 he hates flying so much that he prefers to go by ship 他很讨厌坐飞机,所以他宁愿乘船 so much the better 那就更好了 he said as much later 他后来也这么说 I thought as much! 果然不出我所料! D. much- combining form 非常 fēicháng much-admired/loved 倍受赞赏/喜爱的 much-needed 迫切需要的




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