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词汇 put up
put up A. [put sth up, put up sth] transitive verb (raise) 升起 shēngqǐ flag, sailto put up one's hair 把头发盘起来 to put one's hand up 举手 put 'em up! informal (to surrender) 举起手来! (to fight) 握紧拳头! she put up her collar 她翻起了领子 to put up an umbrella 打开伞 (build, erect) 盖起 gàiqǐ memorial, shed, building; 砌起 qìqǐ fence; 支起 zhīqǐ tent; 架起 jiàqǐ aerial, radio mast, barrier(post up) 张贴 zhāngtiē he had put up a notice on the board 他在板上贴了一个通告 (increase) 提高 tígāo price, temperature, level; 增加 zēngjiā pressure, totalthe government has put up income tax 政府调高了所得税 (show, present) 发起 fāqǐ resistance, struggleour side put up a good performance 我们这边表现相当不错 they surrendered without putting up much of a fight 他们没有激烈反抗就投降了 Finance 提供 tígōng money(present) 提出 tíchū case, proposal, ideato put sth up for discussion/consideration 提出某事供讨论/考虑 Aerospace 发射 fāshè satellite, rocket, space station(offer) 拿出来 ná chulai [出售或拍卖]to put sth up for sale/auction 拿某物出来卖/拍卖 B. [put sb up, put up sb] transitive verb (provide with accommodation) 为…提供食宿 wèi… tígōng shísù to put sb up for the night 留某人过夜 (as candidate) 提名 tímíng to put sb up for promotion 提名某人晋升 informal (incite) to put sb up to a crime/stealing the money 怂恿某人犯罪/偷钱 sǒngyǒng mǒu rén fànzuì/tōu qián (promote) 让…升级 ràng… shēngjí pupil, teamshe was put up from set 2 to set 1 她被从二级提升到了一级 C. intransitive verb (stay) 过夜 guòyè to put up with friends 住在朋友家里 to put up at a stranger's house 在陌生人家里过夜 (be candidate) 自荐 zìjiàn to put up for the post of …/for the election 自荐出任…之职/参加选举 zìjiàn chūrèn… zhī zhí/cānjiā xuǎnjǔ to put up or shut up informal 要么澄清自己,要么闭嘴 they called for the minister to either put up or shut up 他们要求那位部长要么澄清自己,要么就闭嘴 D. to put oneself up reflexive verb 自荐 zìjiàn to put oneself up for the post of …/for election 自荐出任…之职/参加选举 zìjiàn chūrèn… zhī zhí/cānjiā xuǎnjǔ




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