

词汇 mutual
mutual | BrE ˈmjuːtʃʊəl,ˈmjuːtʃ(ə)l, AmE ˈmjutʃ(u)əl | adjective (reciprocal) 相互的 xiānghù de actionI don't like her, and I think the feeling is mutual 我不喜欢她,我想她也不喜欢我 a mutual admiration society derogatory 相互吹捧俱乐部 attributive (having the same relationship to each other) 关系对等的 guānxì duìděng de they are mutual friends/enemies 他们彼此为友/为敌 attributive (common) 共同的 gòngtóng de friend, acquaintance, interest; 共用的 gòng yòng de entrance, staircaseby mutual agreement 根据达成的共识 attributive Finance 互助的 hùzhù de organization, building society




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