

词汇 peck
peck1 | BrE pɛk, AmE pɛk | A. noun (with beak) zhuó informal (kiss) 匆匆轻吻 cōngcōng qīng wěn to give sb a peck on the cheek 匆匆轻吻某人的面颊 B. transitive verb (with beak) zhuó ; (form by pecking) 啄出 zhuóchū holechickens pecking corn in the yard 在院子里啄食玉米的小鸡 informal (kiss) 匆忙轻吻 cōngmáng qīng wěn C. intransitive verb (with beak) zhuó to peck at sth; 啄某物 the hens were pecking at the corn 母鸡在啄食玉米 figurative informal (eat very little) to peck at sth; 对…浅尝几口 duì… qiǎn cháng jǐ kǒu foodPHRASAL VERB peck out transitive verb [peck sth out, peck out sth] 啄出 zhuóchū




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