词汇 | play |
释义 | play | BrE pleɪ, AmE pleɪ | A. intransitive verb ① (enjoy oneself) 玩耍 ▸ to play at soldiers/hide-and-seek 玩当大兵/捉迷藏游戏 ▸ to play together «children» 一起玩 ▸ to play at being a Buddhist 把做佛门弟子当儿戏 ▸ to play with each other 一起玩 figurative 相互捉弄 ▸ he has no intentions of marrying her — he's just playing with her 他无意娶她──只是和她逢场作戏罢了 ▸ to play with a toy/one's food 玩玩具/摆弄食物 ▸ I'm playing with the idea 我这个想法是闹着玩儿的 ▸ a person who loves to play with words/emotions 爱玩文字游戏/喜欢玩弄感情的人 ▸ to play with fire figurative 玩火 ▸ to play with oneself euphemistic 手淫 ② Sport, Games (compete) 参加比赛 ▸ to play at chess/tennis 比赛下国际象棋/打网球 ▸ to play with or against sb; 与…比赛 ‹sportsperson, team, country›▸ to play for a team/one's country; 代表某运动队/国家参赛 ▸ to play in the final 参加决赛 ▸ Manchester United are playing at home to Arsenal 曼联队将在主场迎战阿森纳队 ▸ to play fair/false (with sb) (与某人)进行公平/不公平交易 ▸ to play for money 进行有报酬的比赛 ▸ to play for time 拖延时间 ▸ there's everything to play for 一切都尚未尘埃落定 ▸ he needs financial backing, but the bank won't play 他需要财政支持,可是银行却不肯出手相助 ③ Sport (take position) 充任位置 ▸ to play in defence/the attack/goal 打后卫/打前锋/担当守门员 ▸ to play as or at left wing/fullback 担任左边锋/后卫 ④ Sport (hit, shoot) «person» 击打 ▸ to play into the bunker/net 把球打进沙坑/球网 ▸ the batsman played on to his wicket 击球手把球打进己方三柱门 ▸ to play on one's opponent's backhand 把球打向对手的反手位 ▸ to play to sb's strength(s)/weakness(es) 把球打向某人最擅长/最薄弱的位置 ▸ the government is playing to the opposition's weaknesses 政府正在针对反对党的弱点发起攻击 ⑤ ▸ Sport (be fit to play on) the court/pitch is playing well/fast 这个球场适合比赛/球速较快 ▸ to play true 弹性正常 ⑥ (gamble) 打赌 ▸ to play for high stakes 下大赌注赌博 ⑦ Games (move) 走子 ▸ it's your turn to play 轮到你走了 ⑧ Games (submit card) 出牌 ▸ to play out of turn 抢出牌 ⑨ Music (perform, produce sound) «musician, orchestra, music» 演奏 ; «song» 唱出 ; «CD, record, cassette tape» 播放 ▸ to play on the clarinet/flute/xylophone 吹单簧管/吹长笛/敲木琴 ▸ to play to or for sb; 为某人演奏 ▸ to play in/out of tune 演奏合调/走调 ▸ to play in time 和着节拍演奏 ⑩ (be acted, shown) «play, opera, film» 上演 ; (act) 演出 ▸ the film is playing at the Odeon 影片正在奥登影院上映 ▸ to play to audiences all over the country 对全国观众演出 ▸ to play in Macbeth 在《麦克白》中扮演角色 ▸ to play with/opposite sb 与某人联袂演出/演对手戏 ▸ to play dead 装死 ⑪ (move lightly) «light, sunshine» 闪烁 ; «shadow» 摇曳 ; «breeze» 轻拂 ▸ to play over/around sth; 在某物上方/周围摇曳 ▸ a smile played on his lips 他的嘴角露出一丝微笑 ⑫ (emit stream or beam) «water, beam» 喷出 ; «light» 照射 ▸ the relaxing sound of a fountain playing 喷泉喷涌时令人感觉轻松惬意的声音 ▸ a spotlight played on the empty stage 一束聚光灯的灯光打在空荡荡的舞台上 B. transitive verb ① (engage in for enjoyment) 玩 ‹game›; 假扮…玩游戏 ‹soldiers, pirates›▸ to play mummies and daddies 玩过家家游戏 ▸ to play nurses/keeping shop 玩当护士/开商店的游戏 ② (trick sb with) 开 ‹joke›; 耍 ‹trick›▸ the children played a prank on their teacher 孩子们耍恶作剧捉弄老师 ③ (compete in) 参加 ‹game›; 打 ‹cricket, tennis, basketball›; 玩 ‹bridge›▸ to play sth against sb; 与某人比赛某项目 ▸ to play football for one's university 代表大学参加足球比赛 ▸ to play sth as a professional/an amateur 以职业运动员/业余身份参加某比赛 ▸ to play a game of chess/tennis with sb 与某人下国际象棋/打网球 ④ (compete against) 与…比赛 ‹competitor, team, country›▸ to play sb at his or her own game figurative 对某人以牙还牙 ▸ to play sb false 欺骗某人 ⑤ Sport (take position of) 担任 ‹back, forward, goal(keeper), wing(er)›▸ he played centre forward for Albion 他担任阿尔比恩队的中锋 ⑥ Sport (select) 选中 ‹player, footballer›▸ to play sb as or at sth; 选派某人担任 ‹goalkeeper, midfielder›⑦ Sport (hit, strike) 击 ▸ to play a forehand/backhand (stroke) 正手/反手击球 ▸ he played a drive through the covers 他一记大力击球,把球打出外场防守区 ▸ to play the ball into or on to sth 把球打至某处 ▸ to play the ball to sb/sth 把球击向某人/到某处 ▸ she played the ball to her opponent's backhand 她把球打到了对手的反手位 ⑧ (gamble at) 对…下赌注 ▸ to play the stock market/horses 玩股票/赌马 ▸ to play sth for high stakes 以大赌注赌某物 ⑨ Games (put on table) 打出 ‹card›⑩ Music (perform) 演奏 ‹instrument, symphony›▸ to play the guitar/violin 弹吉他/拉小提琴 ▸ to play sth on sth; 用某乐器演奏某乐曲 ▸ to play a tune to the children 为孩子们演奏一支曲子 ⑪ Audio equipment (put on) 播放 ‹disc, tape, record›⑫ (represent) 扮演 ‹character, part›▸ to play sth for laughs Theatre informal 扮演某角色搞笑 ▸ to play it rough/cool/safe 行为粗暴/冷静/稳妥 ▸ to play it for kicks 寻求刺激 ⑬ Cinema, Theatre (put on) «theatre, cinema» 上演 ‹play, film, concert›⑭ Music, Theatre (perform at) «actor, performer, show, band» 在…演出 ‹theatre, venue›⑮ (behave like) 装扮 ▸ to play the politician/diplomat 装扮成政治家/外交官 ▸ to play the innocent 装成很无辜的样子 ⑯ (direct) 射出 ‹beam, light›; 喷 ‹water›▸ to play the hoses over the flames 把消防水带对着大火喷水 ▸ to play the searchlights along the road 用探照灯沿路照射 ⑰ Fishing «angler» 拉线使…挣扎得筋疲力尽 ‹fish›C. noun ① uncountable (amusement, recreation) 玩耍 ▸ at play 在玩耍 ▸ to learn through play 寓学于乐 ▸ child's play 易如反掌的事 ▸ I only said it in play! 我只是开开玩笑而已! ▸ all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy proverb 只用功,不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻 ▸ play box/clothes/room 玩具箱/游乐服/游戏室 ② countable Theatre 戏剧 ▸ the characters in a play 剧中人物 ▸ a television play, a play for television 电视剧 ▸ a one-/five-act play 独幕/五幕剧 ▸ to present or produce or put on a play 上演戏剧 ▸ to write a play 写剧本 ▸ to act in a play 在剧中扮演角色 ③ uncountable and countable Sport (playing of game) 比赛 ; (manner of playing) 赛风 ; (move in game) 比赛动作 ▸ fair/foul/rough play 公平/不公平/粗野的竞赛 ▸ a fine defensive/offensive play 精彩的防守/进攻动作 ▸ the state of play (score) [尤指板球比赛的] 比分 (situation) 争执情况 ④ countable (turn) (in cards) 出牌机会 ; (in chess) 走棋机会 ▸ it's your play next 下面该你了 ▸ to make a play for sb/sth 想方设法吸引某人/得到某物 ▸ to make one's play (for sth) (为某事)处心积虑 ⑤ countable (clever use) 巧妙使用 ▸ a play on words 双关语 ⑥ uncountable Mechanics 间隙 ▸ give the line more/less play 放松/拉紧线绳 ⑦ uncountable (freedom) (to act) 活动自由 ; (to operate) 运作自由 ▸ to bring or call sth into play 使某事物开始起作用 ▸ to come into play (be active) 开始活动 (have an influence) 开始起作用 ▸ luck comes into play 开始走运 ▸ to give free play to sb/sth, to give sb/sth free play 让某人/某事物自由发挥 ▸ she gave or allowed free play to her pent-up emotions 她释放出了压抑的情绪 ▸ to make great play of or with sth 强调某事物 ▸ the play of the imagination 想象力的发挥 ⑧ uncountable (shifting movement of light, colours, flames, shadows) 摇曳 ▸ the play of sunlight on the surface of the lake 湖面上的粼粼波光 PHRASAL VERBS play about intransitive verb = play aroundplay along A. intransitive verb ① (pretend to cooperate) 假装合作 ▸ to play along with sb/sth 假装与某人合作/认同某事物 ② Music (accompany) 伴奏 ▸ to play along with sb/sth; 给某人/某物伴奏 ▸ I'll sing, you play along on the piano 我唱歌,你用钢琴伴奏 B. transitive verb [play sb along] informal 欺骗 play around: intransitive verb ① ▸ to play around with sth (fiddle with, handle casually) 胡乱摆弄某物 ▸ don't play around with that expensive vase — you might drop it 别摆弄那个昂贵的花瓶──你会摔了它的 ▸ to play around with the idea of doing sth 瞎琢磨做某事的念头 ▸ how much time/money do you have to play around with? 你有多少时间/钱可以用来折腾? ② informal (be promiscuous) 乱搞 ▸ they say her husband plays around 据说她的丈夫爱拈花惹草 ▸ to play around with sb; 和某人鬼混 play away intransitive verb British ① Sport «team» 在客场打比赛 ▸ Manchester United play away to Arsenal 曼联队在客场挑战阿森纳队 ② informal (have affair) 搞婚外恋 play back transitive verb [play sth back, play back sth] 播放 ‹recording, music, film›▸ to play sth back to sb; 给某人播放… play down transitive verb [play sth down, play down sth] 降低…的重要性 ‹crisis, defeat›; 淡化 ‹situation, effects, seriousness›play off A. intransitive verb «competitors, teams» 进行加赛 ▸ to play off against sb; 与某人打加赛 B. transitive verb [play off sth, play sth off] ① Sport «competitors, teams» 参加…以决定胜负 ‹match›▸ the deciding round will be played off tomorrow 明天将进行决胜轮比赛 ② (put in conflict) 挑拨 ▸ to play sb off against sb; 挑拨某人使其与某人不和 ▸ the government played the rival factions off against each other 政府鼓动两个敌对派相互争斗 play on A. intransitive verb «player, team» 继续比赛 ; «musician» 继续演奏 B. transitive verb [play on sth] 利用 ‹feeling, prejudice, ignorance›play out: transitive verb ① [play out sth, play sth out] (enact) 演出 ‹scene, fantasy, drama, role›▸ their love affair was played out against a background of war 他们的爱情剧以战争为背景,已公开上演 ② [play out sb, play sb out] Music 奏乐为…送行 ▸ the bagpipes played them out of the dining room 他们在风笛乐曲伴奏下走出宴会大厅 play up British A. intransitive verb ① informal (cause problem) 添麻烦 ▸ my back/rheumatism is playing up again 我的背痛/风湿病又发作了 ▸ the computer keeps playing up 这台电脑不断出故障 ② Sport «player, team» 全力投入比赛 ▸ play up and play the game! 加油比赛! ③ ▸ informal to play up to sb (flatter) 奉承某人 B. transitive verb ① [play sb up, play up sb] informal (cause problem for) 给…添麻烦 ‹person›② [play sth up, play up sth] (exaggerate) 夸大 ‹danger, benefits, mystery›play upon transitive verb = play on B |
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