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词汇 rank
rank1 | BrE raŋk, AmE ræŋk | A. noun uncountable and countable (in hierarchy, politics, society) 地位 dìwèi ; (in organization, company) 级别 jíbié to achieve the rank of Cabinet Minister 获得内阁大臣之职 he was elevated to ministerial rank 他被提升到部级 of high/low rank 地位高/低的 people of high social rank 社会上层人士 uncountable and countable (in army) 军衔 jūnxián ; (in police) 警衔 jǐngxián to be stripped of one's rank 被剥夺军衔 promotion to a higher rank 晋升 to be promoted to the rank of captain 晋升到上校军阶 a high or senior/low or junior rank Military 高级/低级军衔 officers of senior rank 高级军官 officers and other ranks 官兵 in rank 在军阶上 to pull rank (on sb) 运用权势(压服某人) uncountable (high social position) 高层社会地位 gāocéng shèhuì dìwèi persons of rank and breeding 地位高有教养的人 countable (degree) 等级 děngjí a painter of the first rank 一流的画家 Britain is no longer in the front rank of world powers 英国不再是位于前列的世界强国 countable (line, row) 行列 hángliè rank upon rank of soldiers/police 一排一排的士兵/警察 to break ranks literal «soldiers, police» 打乱队形 figurative 不再支持所属团体 bù zài zhīchí suǒshǔ tuántǐ 15 MPs broke ranks and voted with the Opposition 15名议员反水投了反对党的票 to close ranks (against sb) literal «soldiers, police» 集中队列(以防御某人) figurative 紧密团结(以反对某人) jǐnmì tuánjié(yǐ fǎnduì mǒu rén) countable (line, row) pái massed ranks of spectators 密集的观众 the trees grew in serried ranks 树木密密麻麻地长在一起 half-made pots standing in ranks on shelves 摆在架子上的一排排半成品罐子 countable British (for taxis) 出租车站 chūzūchēzhàn uncountable and countable Linguistics countable (in chess) [棋盘的] 横排 héngpái B. ranks plural noun Military 普通士兵 pǔtōng shìbīng (to be) in or among or within the ranks; 当兵 to serve in the ranks 服兵役 to be reduced to the ranks 被降为士兵 to rise or come up from the ranks, to rise through the ranks 从士兵升为军官 (members) 成员 chéngyuán the ranks of the unemployed/the homeless 失业者/无家可归者的大军 in or among or within the ranks of … 在…的成员中 to join the ranks of … 加入…的行列 to rise from or come up from the ranks (of sth), to rise through the ranks (of sth) 从(某行业的)卑微身份发迹 he rose through the ranks to become managing director 他级级攀升,当上了常务董事 C. transitive verb (classify) 把…分等级 bǎ… fēn děngjí to be ranked in order of difficulty 被按照难度分类 the highest ranked player in the world 世界排名最高的运动员 the university is ranked number one/second in the country for engineering 该大学的工程学名列全国之首/第二 to rank sb/sth as sb/sth; 将某人/某事物列为某人/某事物 this area is ranked as one of the most beautiful places in Britain 这个地区是英国最美的地方之一 to rank sb/sth among sb/sth; 将某人/某事物列入某人/某事物 his work must be ranked among the best in Britain 他的作品一定属于英国最优秀作品之列 to rank sb/sth with or alongside sb/sth; 使某人/某事物跻身于某人/某事物之列 historians will rank her alongside Marie Curie 历史学家将会把她与玛丽居里比肩而列 to rank sb/sth above/below sb/sth; 将某人/某事物列于某人/某事物之上/之下 I would rank him below Hemingway 我觉得他在海明威之下 to rank sb/sth highly; 对某人/某事物评价高 (arrange in line) 将…排成行 jiāng… páichéng háng the tents were ranked in orderly rows 帐篷整整齐齐地排成几排 US (be senior to) 级别高于 jíbié gāo yú the Secretary of State ranks all the other members of the cabinet 国务卿的级别高于任何其他内阁成员 D. intransitive verb (rate) 排位 páiwèi how do I rank compared to her? 我同她相比,高下如何? that doesn't rank very high on my list of priorities 那并不是我的当务之急 at the height of her career she ranked second in the world 事业处于顶峰时,她排名世界第二 to rank as sb/sth; 被列为某人/某事物 this must rank as one of the worst films I've ever seen 这肯定是我看过的最烂的电影之一 to rank among sb/sth; 属于某人/某事物之列 this book must rank among the top literary classics 这本书堪称最优秀的经典文学作品之一 to rank with or alongside sb/sth; 与某人/某事物比肩 their research ranks with that produced by the most successful laboratories 他们的研究可与最成功的实验室研究媲美 to rank above/below sb/sth; 位列某人/某事物之上/之下 US Military «officer, general» 级别最高 jíbié zuì gāo as captain I must rank here 作为上校,我在这里一定是级别最高的




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