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词汇 rate
rate | BrE reɪt, AmE reɪt | A. noun (speed) 速度 sùdù to work at a steady rate 以平稳的速度工作 a rapid rate of change 变化的迅速 at a or the rate of … 以…的速度 to flow at a rate of 150 gallons an hour 以每小时150加仑的速度流动 at this/that rate (at this speed) 以这一/那一速度 (continuing in same way) 照这种/那种情形 at the rate sb is going 照某人现在的样子发展下去 at any rate (no matter what) 不管怎么说 (more specifically) 确切地说 (more importantly) 总而言之 Statistics (number of occurrences) 比率 bǐlǜ the (annual) divorce/birth/crime/unemployment rate (年)离婚率/出生率/犯罪率/失业率 a high success/failure rate 很高的成功/失败率 the pass/failure rate for the exam is 60% 考试的及格/不及格率为60% at a or the rate of … 以…的比率 at a rate of 50 an hour 以每小时50个的速率 (amount) the rate of economic growth/inflation/exchange 经济增长率/通货膨胀率/汇率 (charge) 价格 jiàgé advertising rates 广告费 postal or postage rates 邮资 at a reduced rate 以优惠价 to get a reduced rate 获得优惠价 telephone calls are charged at several rates 打电话按照不同的资费标准收费 the rate for sth; 某物的价格 (wage) 工资 gōngzī his hourly rate is £22 他每小时酬金22英镑 translator's rates 翻译稿酬 the rate for sb/sth; 某人/某事的报酬 to pay sb the going rate for the job 按当前标准支付给某人工资 rate of pay 薪酬 Finance 费率 fèilǜ the rate of interest 利息率 at a rate of 4.5% 按照4.5%的费率 the basic rate of tax 基本税率 B. rates plural noun British (tax) (on commercial property) 房地产税 fángdìchǎnshuì ; History (on private property) 不动产税 bùdòngchǎnshuì business rates 营业财产税 rate increases/rebates 房地产税的增加/退还 C. transitive verb (evaluate) 评估 pínggū how do you rate this restaurant? 你认为这家餐馆怎样? she is rated a highly efficient businesswoman 她被认为是效率极高的女企业家 to rate sth high on one's list of priorities 将某事物列为优先考虑的大事 to rate sb/sth highly (for sth) (因某事物)高度评价某人/某事物 to rate sb/sth as sb/sth; 认为某人/某事物是某人/某事物 I rate her as one of our best modern novelists 我认为她是最优秀的现代小说家之一 to rate sb/sth among sb/sth; 将某人/某事物列入某人/某事物 she is rated among the best pianists in the world 她被公认为世界上最优秀的钢琴家之一 (classify) 给…划分等级 gěi… huàfēn děngjí he is currently rated number two in the world 他当前的世界排名是第二 to rate sb/sth at sth; 将某人/某事物定为某等级 on a scale of good looks from 1 to 10, I'd probably rate him an 8 按照从1到10的美貌等级评定,我大概会把他定在8 informal (have high opinion of) 看好 kànhǎo (deserve) 配得上 pèideshàng medal, round of applausethe incident didn’t even rate a mention in the press 这件事根本不值得上报纸 (receive as award) «hotel, restaurant» 被授予 bèi shòuyǔ this is rated as a three-star hotel 这家酒店被评为三星级 D. intransitive verb 被评价 bèi píngjià how did our cheese rate? 大家怎么看我们的乳酪? where do I rate compared to him? 我同他相比怎么样? it doesn't rate high on my list of priorities 我优先考虑的事情中它排不上号 our needs do not rate very high with this administration 我们的需求不怎么受这届政府的重视 to rate as sb/sth; 被认为是某人/某事物 that rates as the best wine I've ever tasted 那是我喝过的最好的酒 to rate among sb/sth; 被列入某人/某事物 she rates among the best sopranos in Europe 她被认为是欧洲最优秀的女高音之一 E. to rate oneself reflexive verb 自我评价 zìwǒ píngjià how do you rate yourself as a driver? 你觉得自己的驾车技术怎么样? she doesn't rate herself very highly 她自视不高 tā zìshì bù gāo




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