

词汇 sit up
sit up A. intransitive verb (raise oneself upright) 坐直 zuòzhí take your elbows off the table and sit up! 把胳膊肘从桌子上放下来,坐直! the invalid was sitting up reading 那位病人坐起来看书了 to sit up straight 坐直 zuòzhí to make sb sit up (and take notice) figurative informal 使某人警觉起来(开始关注) (stay up late) 熬夜 áoyè to sit up doing sth; 熬夜做某事 to sit up with sb; 熬夜照顾某人 B. transitive verb [sit sb/sth up, sit up sb/sth] 使坐起来 shǐ zuò qilai the little girl sat her doll up in the pram 小姑娘让她的洋娃娃坐在婴儿车里




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