

词汇 tender
tender2 | BrE ˈtɛndə, AmE ˈtɛndər | A. noun 投标 tóubiāo to put in or make or submit a tender 投标 tóubiāo to put a job/contract out to tender 为工作/合同对外招标 the tender has to be in by Monday morning 标书须在周一早上之前送达 B. intransitive verb 投标 tóubiāo to tender for sth; 投标承包某事 an invitation to tender 投标邀请 C. transitive verb formal (present) 提出 tíchū advice, apology, excuseto tender one's resignation 递交辞呈 (offer as payment) moneyplease tender the exact fare (on public transport) 自备零钱,恕不找赎




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