

词汇 consolation
consolation | BrE ˌkɒnsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n, AmE ˌkɑnsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n | noun uncountable (comfort) 安慰 ānwèi to be of (no)consolation to sb; 对某人(不)是安慰 it's no consolation that the car is intact 汽车完好无损并不能让人感到宽慰 a letter of consolation 慰问信 to be small consolation 几乎起不到安慰作用 countable (source of comfort) (person) 令人安慰的人 lìng rén ānwèi de rén ; (thing) 令人慰藉的事 lìng rén wèijiè de shì it's a consolation to know that … 得知…令人安慰 she was a great consolation to him when his wife died 他妻子去世后,她就成了他莫大的安慰




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