

词汇 sprint
sprint | BrE sprɪnt, AmE sprɪnt | A. noun (race) 短跑比赛 duǎnpǎo bǐsài the final sprint literal figurative 最后冲刺 (in cycling) 短程赛 duǎnchéngsài ; (in swimming) 短泳比赛 duǎnyǒng bǐsài (quick run) 短距离全速奔跑 duǎn jùlí quánsù bēnpǎo to break into a sprint 突然开始飞奔 to put in a sprint 拼全力冲刺 a sprint start 起跑阶段的冲刺 a sprint finish 终点前的冲刺 B. intransitive verb 冲刺 chōngcì to sprint past or by 飞奔过去 he had to sprint to catch the bus 他只好一路飞奔去赶公交车 C. transitive verb 全速跑完 quánsù páowán distance, lapto sprint the length of sth 全速跑过某长度




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