

词汇 contact
contact A. noun | BrE ˈkɒntakt, AmE ˈkɑnˌtækt | uncountable (touch) 接触 jiēchù to come in or into/get in or into/make contact with … 接触到… to maintain/lose contact 保持/脱离接触 to explode on contact (with …) (与…)一触即爆 uncountable (communication) 联系 liánxì to make/maintain contact 建立/保持联系 to break off/lose contact 中断/失去联系 to come in or into contact 开始接触 to bring sb in or into contact with … 使某人接触… uncountable (by radar, radio) 通讯 tōngxùn to be in contact 处于通讯联系状态 countable (acquaintance) 熟人 shúrén countable (meeting, acquaintanceship) 交往 jiāowǎng business/social contacts 商业往来/社会关系 countable Electricity (connection) 接触 jiēchù ; (device) 接触器 jiēchùqì countable informal = contact lensB. transitive verb | BrE ˈkɒntakt,kənˈtakt, AmE ˈkɑnˌtækt,kənˈtækt | 联系 liánxì he could not be contacted by phone 无法通过电话联系到他




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