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词汇 relieve
relieve | BrE rɪˈliːv, AmE rəˈliv | A. transitive verb (alleviate) 减轻 jiǎnqīng pain, disease; 消除 xiāochú anxiety, symptoms; 缓解 huǎnjiě poverty, shortage (aid, assist) 救济 jiùjì population, country (on duty) 给…换班 gěi… huànbān worker, sentryI've come to relieve you for lunch 我来换你的班,你去吃中饭 (of burden) 卸除 xièchú he relieved her of her suitcase when she got off the train 她下了火车后,他帮她拎行李箱 Military 解…之围 jiě… zhī wéi fortress, blockadethe general sent assault troops to relieve the garrison 将军派突击部队去要塞解围 (provide contrast to) 调剂 tiáojì drabness, seriousnessnot a single tree relieved the barren landscape 没有一棵树来点缀这片荒芜之地 B. to relieve oneself reflexive verb euphemistic 方便 fāngbiàn some men think nothing of relieving themselves in public 有些男人对当众解手不以为然




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