

词汇 swell
swell | BrE swɛl, AmE swɛl | A. intransitive verb past tense swelled past participle swollen or swelled (distend) «part of body» 肿胀 zhǒngzhàng (increase in number or size) 增长 zēngzhǎng the crowd had swollen to about 20,000 聚集的人群增加到了大约2万人 (expand) «object, wood, balloon, tyre» 膨胀 péngzhàng (rise) «river» 上涨 shàngzhǎng (curve out) 鼓起 gǔqǐ the sails swelled in the wind 船帆在风中鼓起 (well up) «emotion» 涌起 yǒngqǐ pride swelled in her heart as she watched her daughter 她看着女儿,心中涌起一阵骄傲 (be affected by emotion) «person, heart» 充满 chōngmǎn to swell with emotion; 情绪激动 she felt herself swell with indignation 她感到义愤填膺 (grow louder) 增强 zēngqiáng cheers swelled through the hall 欢呼声响彻了大厅 B. transitive verb past tense swelled past participle swollen or swelled (increase in number or size) 增加 zēngjiā to swell the ranks of sth 增加某物的数量 (cause to rise) «rain, flood water» 使…上涨 shǐ… shàngzhǎng river (cause to curve out) 使鼓起 shǐ gǔqǐ the wind began to swell the sails 风把船帆吹得鼓了起来 C. noun (movement of sea) 涌动 yǒngdòng the gentle/heavy swell of the sea 大海舒缓/巨大的浪涌 (bulge) 隆起 lóngqǐ the firm swell of her breasts 她挺拔的双乳 (increase) (in amount of support, opposition, patriotism) 增长 zēngzhǎng ; (in loudness of sound) 增强 zēngqiáng a massive swell of strings 弦乐声部的磅礴响起 (welling up of emotion) 高涨 gāozhǎng a swell of pride swept over him 一股自豪之情涌上他的心头 dated informal (fashionable person) 时髦人物 shímáo rénwù (mechanism of organ, harmonium) 音量调节器 yīnliàng tiáojiéqì D. adjective US dated informal 很棒的 hěn bàng de time, party, guyE. adverb US dated informal 极好地 jí hǎo de PHRASAL VERB swell up intransitive verb (distend) «part of body» 肿胀 zhǒngzhàng ; (expand) «bud, wood, balloon, tyre» 膨胀 péngzhàng (well up) 涌起 yǒngqǐ anger swelled up in her chest 她心中涌起愤怒 (be affected by emotion) 充满感情 chōngmǎn gǎnqíng I felt my heart swell up 我感觉心潮起伏 to swell up with pride; 满腔自豪




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